Vol. 1 No. 10 (2012)


Televisão digital, recepção e conteúdo: o audiovisual para além dos seus padrões analógicos
Patrícia Azambuja, Larissa Leda F. Rocha
3-10 páginas
PDF (Español (España))
A new narrative model. TV fiction and transmediation
Teresa Bellón Sánchez de la Blanca
17-31 páginas
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Notas sobre a inserçao da telenovela brasileira na cibercultura
Gisella G.S. Castro
32-41 páginas
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Novas Estrategias publicitarias: Games e advergames
Patrica Margarida Farias Coelho
42-51 páginas
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O processo de hibridização da narrativa publicitária
Rogério Covaleski
52-62 páginas
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Film adaptations of video games: an analysis and characterisation of the audio-visual narrative of both media
Águeda Delgado Ponce, Francisco Granados García
63-77 páginas
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A fala autorreferencial na televisao brasileira: estratégias e formatos
Maria Lília Dias de Castro
78-93 páginas
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Hyper-framing/hyper-accounts: considerations on a narratology of post-classical films
Jose Antonio Palao Errando
94-114 páginas
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The triple mimesis in the transmedia narrative of the performance ‘Esfuerzo’
Raquel Gomes de Oliveira, Fábio Costa
115-130 páginas
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Memory/memories, cinema and society: the perspective of Argentine cinema
Eduardo de la Cruz
708-719 páginas
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A Máquina de Narrativa Transmídia: transmidiação e literatura fantástica
Vicente Gosciola
131-139 páginas
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Web series: similarities and differences in an emerging online narrative forma
Fernando Morales Morante , Paula Hernández
140-149 páginas
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New paths in the narrative strategies of the TV drama series The Wire
Ignacio Lasierra Pinto
150-163 páginas
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Advertising discourse in the twenty-first century. From television to the Internet. New media or new forms of audio-visual consumption?
Teresa Gema Martín Casado, Carmen Echazarreta Soler, Manel Vinyals i Corney
164-175 páginas
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The 360º strategy as a possible future for content generation. The case of Jelly Jamm
Mª Ángeles Martínez García
176-186 páginas
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New business models in the distribution of audio-visual content: the case of Netflix
Teresa Ojer, Elena Capapé
187-200 páginas
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Narrativas Procedurais e Interativas: as Novas Estratégias de Criação e a Expressividade do Digital
Daniel Peixoto Ferreira, Gilberto dos Santos Prado
201-210 páginas
PDF (Español (España))
Notas sobre a participação do público na programação televisiva brasileira: formatos de programas, tecnologias e modos de interação
Carlos Eduardo Pinheiro, Márcio Monteiro
211-223 páginas
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Different genres in the transmedia narrative of the documentary 33
Denis Porto Renó, Raquel Longhi, Sandra Ruiz
224-235 páginas
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Trocando em Miúdos: A Narrativa Seriada na Campanha Publicitária “Gourmand em Casa”
Sílvia Regina Saraiva Orrù
236-247 páginas
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Adapt or perish: new scenarios for the survival of audio-visual production companies in Andalusia
Eduardo Ramos Rodríguez
248-263 páginas
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El Novo Cinema Galego, propuesta de definición y clasificación
Isabel Martínez Martínez, María Gallego Reguera
264-275 páginas
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Concerning Latin American immigrants on Chilean TV: stigmas and frontiers in audio-visual narratives
Constanza Ambiado Cortés1, Rosario Fernández Ossandón
276-288 páginas
PDF (Español (España))
The miscegenation of the account: narrative and characters in the series Lost
Ángel Pablo Cano Gómez, Isabel María García González, María del Carmen Robles Andreu
289-304 páginas
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“NósOtros”: um programa de TV glocal na América Latina
Edson Capoano, Marcelo Dias
305-315 páginas
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O cinema construindo o imaginário dos deslocamentos sociais pelos territórios e fronteiras.
Maria Ignês Carlos Magno
316-323 páginas
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Music for persuasion. Musical appropriations and generic hybridisations in broadcast advertising
Teresa Fraile Prieto
324-337 páginas
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Ecos do Novo Cinema Latino Americano no Cinema Latino Americano Contemporâneo do Brasil e Colômbia
Lívia Fusco Rodrigues
338-348 páginas
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The dubbing and subtitling of Mexicanisms in cinematographic language. A Mexican perspective
Ma. Eugenia González Alafita, Daniel M. Ramírez Cabrera, José Vicente Rodríguez Chávez
349-362 páginas
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A conceituação de Deslocografia para o cinema de migrações
Vicente Gosciola
363-370 páginas
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- Joaquim Jordà and the documentary of creation: narrative fragmentation, reality-fiction hybridisation and awareness of representation in the construction of the account
Irene H. Liberia Vayá
371-386 páginas
PDF (Español (España))
Entre o hotel e a cidade: espaços em trânsito no filme Encontros e desencontros da diretora Sofia Coppola
Denise Moraes Cavalcante
387-395 páginas
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Genre mixing in US TV fiction. The case of Joss Whedon
396-411 páginas
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Representations of Bolivians in the Brazilian media: the question of work and economic migrations in Latin America
Ana Carolina Rocha Pessôa Temer, Marcia Perencin Tondato
429-442 páginas
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Carmen de Mérimée e Bizet: um olhar francês sobre a Espanha
Adalberto Diehl Rodriguez
426-438 páginas
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Migration and displacement: representations of identity conflicts
Ana María López
439-452 páginas
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Film your village and cinema will be immortal (the cinema of Cordoba reflects another Argentine cinema)
Alfredo Caminos
453-463 páginas
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Ethnic identity constructions in the narrative of Rumanian TV fiction
Georgiana Lucía Dragota
464-478 páginas
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Audio-visual constructs of flamenco. The anthropological perspective and the representation of ritual
Cristina Cruces Roldán
479-503 páginas
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Audio-visual adaptation and discursive hybridisation. The series Wallander as a paradigm
Susana Díaz
504-516 páginas
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Modern Family and cultural messages: the perceptions of young Mexican viewers of the US TV series
Ma. Eugenia González Alafita, Cristina Dávalos, Mariell Gutiérrez
517-530 páginas
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Roundtrips between belonging and rootlessness. The narrative construction of the home and identity in the autobiographical documentary video diaries of David Perlov
Paola Lagos Labbé
531-546 páginas
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Mapuche audio-visual narratives on YouTube. Subalternity on the global web
Claudio Maldonado Rivera
547-557 páginas
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A subversao social na trilogia de Joao Cesar Monteiro: uma análise sociológica
Liliana Navarra
558-571 páginas
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The construction of female characters in children’s stories. A qualitative and quantitative study of cartoon series broadcast on Spanish TV versus those broadcast on Mexican TV: a transatlantic image
Inmaculada Sánchez-Labella Martín
572-584 páginas
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Nationality in comedies broadcast in Spain between 1980 and 2009
María Esther Sánchez Hernández, José David Urchaga Litago, Miguel Ángel Huerta Floriano
585-598 páginas
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A critical review of Chilean cartoon programmes
Felipe Silva Montellano
599-605 páginas
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Audio-visual narrative and hybridisation in the context of diasporic and relational art
Toni Simó Mulet, Jesús Segura Cabañero
606-618 páginas
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Transnational audio-visual narrative as regards homosexuality
Fernanda Téllez Vega
619-631 páginas
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A memória do governo militar brasileiro na narrativa audiovisual da telenovela e sua ressignificação pelos estudantes do ensino superior
Andréa Antonacci, Dayse Maciel de Araujo
632-642 páginas
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The headless woman (Lucrecia Martel, 2008) and the mechanism of oblivion in the past and present
Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha
643-652 páginas
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How is Chile’s recent past represented in two semiotic ways? The reconstruction of memory in Historia del siglo XX chileno and Los archivos del cardenal
Camila Cárdenas Neira
653-665 páginas
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The reconstruction of the recent past through TV narrative. A comparative study of Chile and Spain
Ana María Castillo Hinojosa, Núria Simelio Solà, María Jesús Ruiz Muñoz
666-681 páginas
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Cavernas e Cinema, Sonho e Narrativa
Fábio Costa, Raquel Gomes de Oliveira
682-693 páginas
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Roteiro: nascimento, vida e obra narrativa
Glaucia Davino, Fernanda Bellicieri
694-707 páginas
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The cinematographic mode in the story of Hijo de Ladrón (Manuel Rojas)
Silvia Donoso Hiriart
720-734 páginas
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- From Blow Up to La Jetée. Photographs of a past to be revealed in Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Santiago Fillol
734-742 páginas
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Vilões, Heróis e Lugares na Telenovela Brasileira Contemporânea: A Favorita e Insensato Coração
Sandra Fischer, Geraldo Carlos do Nascimento
743-754 páginas
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Algumas notas sobre a historia do cinema documentario etnográfico
Rafael Franco Coelho
01-01-2012 páginas
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And after the digital age, what?
Pedro Matute
767-774 páginas
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Um período maneirista na obra de John Ford
Jorge Carrega
775-786 páginas
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Remembering the future. The construction of imaginaries of the future in fiction films
Antonio Pantoja Chaves
787-799 páginas
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Saving Private Ryan with 300 (Spartans): History, memory, myth
Juan Carlos Pérez García
800-816 páginas
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The Spanish Civil War in current cinema: Encontrarás Dragones
Estrella Martínez Rodrigo, Lourdes Sánchez Martín , Rosario Segura García
817-827 páginas
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Memória, história e fotografia: retratos de Monteiro Lobato sobre o Brasil no início do século XX
Gabriela Santos Alves
828-838 páginas
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Audiovisual narrative in documental entnobiographical filmmaking as a tool for the reconstitution of collective memory: the case of the Paipai community in Santa Catarina, Baja California, Mexico
Jesús Adolfo Soto Curiel, Marcos Ramírez Espinosa, Laura Figueroa Lizárraga
839-847 páginas
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New storylines in Hollywood films: evil as an element of persuasion
Daniel Vela Valldecabres
848-854 páginas
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The film El lápiz del carpintero, a narrative analysis on the basis of complexity
Otto Roberto Yela Fernández
854-870 páginas
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The influence of Dogma 95 on narratives in Argentine cinema
María del Rosario Luna, María García García
871-879 páginas
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Representations of Latin America in Hergé’s The Adventures of Tintin
Rafael Alberto Barragán Gómez
880-895 páginas
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The vampiric body: the opening of a dual gender identity in True Blood
Javier Calvo Anoro
896-906 páginas
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Online film and broadcast fiction on social networking sites: practices for building identity and relationships on Facebook
Ana María Castillo Hinojosa
907-916 páginas
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The axiological dimension of cinema: the representation of social and civic values in Colombian cinema in the new century
Mónica Eliana García Gil
917-928 páginas
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Inferiority and superiority complexes: a comparative study of the representation of the immigrant character in Fawlty Towers and Aída, between xenophobia and parody
Beatriz González de Garay, Juan Carlos Alfeo
929-942 páginas
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The representation of violence in Spanish youth series
Sara González Fernández
943-957 páginas
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Itineraries of the empty word. Concerning the TV productions of Michael Haneke
Pablo Ferrando García
.958-974 páginas
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Negotiation and breaking up in Tres días con la familia: the new generation of family melodramas
Beatriz Herrero Jiménez, Samuel Caraballo Estévez
975-990 páginas
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The social representation of Guadalupanism in the TV programme La Rosa de Guadalupe
Saúl Lázaro Altamirano
991-1005 páginas
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The representation of working women in prime time series broadcast in Spain (2010)
Marta Ortega Lorenzo, Núria Simelio Solà
1006-1016 páginas
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The intercultural mediatisation of the social space in daily TV newscasts
Amanda Paz Alencar
1017-1031 páginas
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Viajando com a telenovela: o turismo ficcional como ampliação de universos simbólicos e materiais
Marcia Perencin Tondato
1031-1046 páginas
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The narrative of TV music programmes: evolution and new structures
Alicia Álvarez Vaquero
1047-1064 páginas
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The voice of prisoners on the radio: from the objects of discourse to its constructors
Paloma Contreras Pulido, José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez
1065-1075 páginas
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The risk of humanising villains and its impact on the main storyline of Red Dragon
Jorge Esteban Blein
1076-1090 páginas
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Activist cinema and video-activism: the audio-visual discourses of social movements
Marta Galán Zarzuelo
1091-1102 páginas
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The lost DeLorean: confusing uses of the post-classical flashback (and other time travels)
Shaila García Catalán
1103-1115 páginas
Triunfo da narrativa-monstro nas manifestações populares da cidade de Vitória (Espírito Santo/Brasil)
Fábio Gomes Goveia
1116-1127 páginas
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Audio-visual narrative in virtual entertainment settings: the recreation of one’s own world. The BioShock saga
Damián García Ponce, Emilia Smolak Lozano
1128-1142 páginas
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Musical subversion on the web: amateur remixes as critical audio-visual narratives
Estefanía Martínez González
1143-1157 páginas
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Narrative mystifications in the cinema of Alejandro González Iñárritu
Juan Orellana Gutiérrez de Terán
1157-1171 páginas
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The music documentary and the audio-visualisation of marginal aesthetics
Natalia Rueda Pinilla
1172-1182 páginas
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Homoerotic fan fiction inspired by audio-visual products. An approach from the perspective of narrative
María del Mar Rubio-Hernández , Francisco Javier López-Rodríguez
1183-1198 páginas
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The social production of video clips: the crisis of the fandom phenomenon and music videos
Ana Sedeño Valdellós
1224-1235 páginas
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A methodology for filmic microanalysis
Iván Bort Gual
1236-1249 páginas
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Pluralidade metodológica: a cartografia aplicada às pesquisas de audiovisual
Nísia Martins do Rosário, Lisiane Machado Aguiar
1262-1275 páginas
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Recepção transmidiática: incursões pela Teoria Ator-rede
Patrícia Azambuja, Márcio Monteiro
1276-1289 páginas
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Ressignificação e atualização das categorias de análise da “ficção impressa” como um dos caminhos de estudo da narrativa teleficcional1
Maria A Baccega
1290-1308 páginas
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A cor na análise fílmica: um olhar sobre o moderno cinema francês
Laura Carvalho Hércules
1309-1322 páginas
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Para um estudo das narrativas entre meios: escrevendo para cinema e televisão
Miriam de Souza Rossini
1323-1333 páginas
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The ‘visual essays’ of Tag Gallagher as a paradigm of new models of cinematographic analysis
Elpidio del Campo Cañizares
1334-1347 páginas
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Where are newscasts heading? An analysis of the coverage of children’s and youth topics in free-to-air morning newscasts in Argentina
Gabriela Fabbro
1348-1360 páginas
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Algumas notas sobre o cinema, o pensamento e a crueldade
Flávia Garcia Guidotti
1361-1369 páginas
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Pragmatics through conceptual methodology. A case study of Ratatouille
Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel , Daniel Acle Vicente, Fco. Javier Herrero Gutiérrez
1370-1384 páginas
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Audio-visual narrative and the experiences of school discipline: violence, discrimination and intolerance
Rosario Olivia Izaguirre Fierro, Abel Antonio Grijalva Verdugo
1428-1440 páginas
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Narrative structures in creative documentaries: an analysis of the work Bright Leaves
Sergio Cobo Durán
1441-1453 páginas
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Mãos falam no silêncio – relato de um filme surdo
Elenice Corrêa, Tania Mara Gali Fonseca, Liliana Passerino
1454-1466 páginas
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TV images of climate change. A study of the coverage of the Durban Summit in Spanish newscasts
Mª Carmen Erviti Ilundain, Alicia de Lara González
1467-1482 páginas
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Communication and future trends on the digital scene: the universe of SISOMO and the case of the platform Netflix
Cristina del Pino, Elsa Aguado
1483-1494 páginas
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Family and childhood versus TV conten
Juan Camilo Díaz Bohórquez
1495-1504 páginas
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Disney princesses: what Mexican girls learn from films
Ma. Eugenia González Alafita, Ma. Eugenia González Alafita, Mariana Villasuso, Tania Rivera
1505-1520 páginas
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Universal characters: the continuity of the Freudian typology in current cinematographic models
Margarita López-Morales
1521-1536 páginas
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The media representation of sexuality in fiction series aimed at the young. Case studies of Los Protegidos and Física o Química
MªJosé Masanet Jordà, Pilar Medina Bravo, Joan Ferrés i Prats
1537-1548 páginas
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Narrative modifications in film adaptations of Japanese comics
Francisco Javier López Rodríguez
1549-1564 páginas
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In search of the lost countryside: transnationalisation and rural representation in Colombian audio-visual productions
Maria Luna Rassa
1565-1579 páginas
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The tyranny of the narrator in the audio-visual account of reality. A narratological approach to TV newscast
Cristóbal Ruitiña
1580-1586 páginas
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The arithmetic of films: towards a model of graphic representation of cinematographic analysis
María Esther Sánchez Hernández
1587-1596 páginas
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Del Product Placement al Brandplacement en la ficción audiovisual: el caso de Puleva en El Internado
Jesús Antonio Segarra Saavedra, Alberto Plaza Nogueira
1597-1609 páginas
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The lip dub phenomenon as a collaborative audio-visual experience in the social network age
María Purificación Subires Mancera
1610-1620 páginas
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Arthur 2.0 e a interface que capta desejos
Maurício Cândido Taveira , Gilberto dos Santos Prado
1621-1632 páginas
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Freedom, justice and tolerance. A proposal for cinematographic discourse in the training of communicators
Abel Antonio Grijalva Verdugo, Rosario Olivia Izaguirre Fierro
1633-1643 páginas
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Inmaculada Gordillo , Ana Mª Sedeño
1-2 páginas
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Fanadvertising and tv shows
Marina Ramos, Javier Lozano, Victor Hernández-Santaolalla
1211-1223 páginas
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Sound as a guarantor of narrative sobriety in contemporary cinematographic plots
Víctor Arranz Esteban
1250-1261 páginas
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The acquisition of research skills through qualitative methods in the analysis of audio-visual narratives
Alma Elena Gutiérrez Leyton, Moisés Torres Herrera
1397-1408 páginas
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From Amo a Laura to The Wilderness Downtown. A taxonomic proposal for classifying broadcast advertising on the Internet
Marta Martín Núñez, José Martínez Sáez
1409-1427 páginas
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