About the Journal

Investigación en la Escuela” (Researching in Schools) is an international scientific research and innovative educational journal that is published three times a year (April, July and December).   The journal was founded in 1987 and provided in a hard copy format up to issue 87 (2015) by Díada Editora (ISSN: 0213-7771). As of that turning point, the University of Sevilla publishing office (https://editorial.us.es) took over this project to create an open-access, online version (e-ISSN: 2443-9991). This publication is found in eighty-one (81) international databases, journal assessment platforms, selective directories, specializes portals, archive catalogs, etc.  When assessing manuscripts, a rigorous and transparent blind assessment system is used, in addition to a International Scientific Council and a public network of scientific reviewers from all over the world.

Manuscripts are handled professionally using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) 3 platform, with ethical commitments for transparency, timeliness and anti-plagiarism systems (Turnitin). Having specialized in the research of innovation and teaching materials in education, as well as teacher training, this journal also offers case studies of topics that are of interest to readers.  The full text may be accesses digitally and free of charge for the scientific community and researchers throughout the world.  

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Current Issue

No. 106 (2023): Research on new educational spaces: outdoor learning
					View No. 106 (2023): Research on new educational spaces: outdoor learning
Published: 2023-07-17


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