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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato Microsoft Word (“.doc” o “.docx”).
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    1. Extensión
    • Título: máximo 12 palabras.
    • Resumen: entre 210 y 220 palabras.
    • Palabras clave: 6 palabras. Al menos 4 de las palabras claves deberán ser extraídas de ERIC Thesaurus (, Tesauro de la UNESCO ( y/o el Tesauro Europeo de Educación (
    • Texto y referencias bibliográficas: mínimo 5.000 y máximo  7.000 palabras. Para las revisiones sistemáticas, el número mínimo de palabras será de 6000 y el máximo de 8.000 palabras, incluidas tablas y figuras. En los casos que fuera necesario, se recomienda que los anexos se introduzcan con enlace DOI mediante Figshare.
  • El texto reúne las condiciones estilísticas y bibliográficas incluidas en Pautas para el autor/a, en Acerca de la revista.

Author Guidelines


Articles will be accepted that conform to the editorial policy of the journal: unpublished scientific articles on educational issues relevant to researchers and education professionals.

The contributions can be of a theoretical or empirical nature, open to the plurality of methodological approaches existing in educational research. It also includes academic essays, quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies, contrasted educational experiences and/or systematic reviews that delve into the state of the art of an educational issue. It also includes critical reviews of recently published works.

The journal Cuestiones Pedagógicas accepts original and unpublished articles in Spanish, English, French, Italian and/or Portuguese.

History of the journal

Cuestiones Pedagógicas was created in 1983 by María Nieves Gómez García (Professor of History of Education) and Pedro Antonio Luque Domínguez (Professor of Social Pedagogy). By that time, the Pedagogy Section of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters brought together all the lecturers of Educational Sciences in a single Department. During these first years, it disseminated the research activity of the three scientific fields integrated into the former Section: Theory and History of Education, Didactics and Methodology.

Later, the Faculty of Education was created, the departments were established, and Cuestiones Pedagógicas remained the only journal of the Faculty until 1994. At that moment, the Faculty of Education was joined by the departments of the former University School of Teacher Training under the name of Faculty of Education Sciences, which is still its denomination. In that year, the journal was passed onto the Department of Theory, History of Education and Social Pedagogy.

Cuestiones Pedagógicas originally published annually, until 2020 when it started to produce two numbers a year. The Journal structure was been maintained since its creation. The journal has the following sections: Special Issue, Miscellaneous and Reviews. Its main lines address unpublished studies on the Theory of Education, the History of Education and Social Pedagogy.

Editorial policies

The journal Cuestiones Pedagógicas is the official scientific publication of the Department of Theory and History of Education and Social Pedagogy of the University of Seville, published by Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

From its origins in 1984 until 2019, the journal has been publishing an annual issue, and from 2020 the periodicity of the journal will be changed to six-monthly, with two issues per year (January-June) and (July-December). The magazine will publish a maximum of 20 articles per year.

It publishes unpublished scientific articles on educational issues relevant to researchers and education professionals. Contributions may be of a theoretical or empirical nature, open to the plurality of methodological approaches existing in educational research. It also includes academic essays, quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies, contrasted educational experiences and systematic reviews that delve into the state of the art of an educational issue. It also includes critical reviews of recently published works. The journal's publication languages are Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and/or French. The OJS format is used in the editorial process (

Cuestiones Pedagógicas aspires to become one of the main platforms for the national and international dissemination of emerging theoretical and empirical research related to education and learning.

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