No. 23 (2020): Relacionadas. Autoras, contextos y vínculos.

					View No. 23 (2020): Relacionadas. Autoras, contextos y vínculos.

This issue focuses on the relationships of female writers, artists and intellectuals both with the events that defined their historical, social and cultural context, and their personal and professional circumstances. Among others, the following topics are addressed: the vision of historical events through female writers, intellectuals and artists of any era; female writers, artists and intellectuals in relation to the cultural movements of their time; sisterhood, collaboration or solidarity relationships between women creators; rivalries and enmities of women creators within the framework of patriarchal normativity; female creators and their relationships with the traditional canon; alliances and solidarity relations between genders between intellectual and inventive men and women.

Published: 2020-12-07

Artículos español