autonomia personale, training for entrepreneurs, personal autonomy, personal identity, competence , Entrepreneurial educationAbstract
Following the guidelines of the European Union, entrepreneurial education has been incorporated into all educational stages, through a variety of training programs based on the creation of mini-companies and the incorporation of specific subjects in Secondary School, Vocational Training and Baccalaureate. Criticisms about the incorporation into the educational system of entrepreneurship with a marked economic nature have not been long in coming. In this case, from a theoretical perspective, this paper will describe certain premises that guide an entrepreneurial education more focused on the person and with less economic reminiscences. From a more holistic and inclusive vision, we understand entrepreneurial competence as initiative and personal autonomy. The construction of the entrepreneurial sphere of personal identity is carried out through the narration of memories and autobiographical reasoning related to entrepreneurial experiences. Therefore, it would be convenient for students to have educational experiences related to entrepreneurship from an early age. Reflection on entrepreneurial education understood as initiative and personal autonomy leads towards a greater complexity of its shaping elements. Entrepreneurial education would not be limited exclusively to business creation, but to the ideation, creation and management of life projects. In this regard, personal projects, time perspective and possible selves would be configured as basic constructs on which to base educational actions aimed at the development of entrepreneurial education.
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