
  • Arantxa Azqueta-Díaz de Alda Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
  • Roberto Sanz-Ponce Universidad Católica de Valencia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1147-743X




constructivism, experiential learning, philosophy of education, entrepreneurial education


For some decades now, entrepreneurship education has been progressively incorporated into the curriculum of all educational stages. Its inclusion is heterogeneous and not without controversy. One of the objectives is to establish and define the theoretical framework to consolidate this subject in the classroom. The article compiles the main relations of entrepreneurial education with the different philosophies of education: liberal education, post-structuralist philosophy, constructivism and experiential learning. An analytical and interpretative approach is used, based on the academic literature. It is concluded that entrepreneurial education does not fit neatly into a specific philosophical current, because the interest in this discipline is born in the political and economic sphere and not in the educational one. Moreover, both philosophy and the entrepreneurial task come from different fields of knowledge. It is necessary to carry out an anthropological foundation of this subject that guides and supports the pedagogical approaches to human development and does not limit itself to legitimize as a subject of educational interest what enjoys instrumental rationality or contributes to the progress of science and technology.



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How to Cite

Azqueta-Díaz de Alda, A., & Sanz-Ponce, R. (2021). ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND PHYLOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. Cuestiones Pedagógicas. Revista De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(30), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.12795/CP.2021.i30.v2.01
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