Emotional education in educational legislation in Spain and Andalusia.





Emotion, educational laws, Quality of education, education system, education reform, text analysis


Emotions are inherent to human beings and are present in all their actions, including educational field. Its relationship with learning has been shown from different scientific fields. However, numerous authors claim its presence in formal education. Thus, the objective of the study was to know the presence of emotions and emotional education in the educational legislation of the last decades. For this, 103 words based on the Bisquerra model were selected and they were searched in 5 educational texts: LOGSE, LOE, LOMCE, Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies the LOE, Decree of Primary Education of Andalusia. The number of words that appeared in the text, the frequency and the context to analyze their meaning were analyzed. The number of words found has been less than 13 and, in many cases, not related to emotional education. Responsibility or self-esteem are two examples of words that are repeated in the texts although not always in contexts related to emotional education. In the Andalusian decree, the search was made by subjects, finding differences in the number and frequency of words. In conclusion, the presence of this topic in educational legislation in recent decades is very scarce. Thus, it is necessary to incorporate this topic into formal education and in teacher education. 


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How to Cite

Sáenz López, P., & Medina Medel, A. (2021). Emotional education in educational legislation in Spain and Andalusia. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (104), 28–39. https://doi.org/10.12795/IE.2021.i104.03



Received 2021-02-24
Accepted 2021-04-27
Published 2021-07-29
  • Abstract 1960
  • PDF (Español (España)) 5660