Teaching strategies for reducing peer rejection in early childhood education: pilot application
Peer relationship, early childhood education, educational strategies, basic learning needs, peer reject, pilot intervention programme, socioemotional competenceAbstract
Relationships in childhood are fundamental for students to achieve their full development. However, sometimes these relationships are deficient, as is the case with those who are rejected by their peers, a phenomenon that affects approximately 10-15% of pupils. This problem, as well as being very disabling due to its chronic nature, is difficult for adults to detect, which leads to a delay in prevention and intervention measures. This study presents the situation of peer rejection found in a sample of 44 infant education students from two different classrooms and centres, in which their tutors were trained to implement teaching strategies under a pilot programme aimed at improving socioemotional competence and classroom environment to reduce peer rejection. The results give indications that the reality of many students who suffer rejection can be improved with the application of teaching strategies and practical activities, which are positively evaluated in the results of the teacher surveys. This study and the data obtained lead to an improvement of the programme design to increase the prevention and reduction of peer rejection in early childhood education in a larger sample with a more intensive intervention.
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