Insights from Spanish Language and Linguistics Students on Theory-Practice Balance in Teacher Education



Palabras clave:

Preservice teacher education, Teaching skills, Teaching profession, Career development, Professional training, Higher education, Education and employment, Educational sciences


This study aims to explore the expectations and desires of students pursuing Education Sciences degrees regarding their studies. To meet this objective, and employing a mixed-methods approach with content analysis, the study examined the perspectives of a sample of 423 students enrolled in Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, and Pedagogy programs. Findings reveal a discrepancy between students' anticipated outcomes and the reality of their university education. While students expect primarily theoretical knowledge from their studies, they express a desire for more practical and professionally oriented training. In conclusion, these insights underscore the need for enhancements in teacher training programs to bridge the gap between academic learning and professional-world pedagogical demands. Addressing these gaps holds the potential to shape a more equitable and sustainable educational landscape for the future, fostering a student body that is more motivated and equipped with the required teaching competence. Further implications of this study are also discussed.


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Cómo citar

Lucas-Oliva, I., & Moreno-Medina, I. (2024). Insights from Spanish Language and Linguistics Students on Theory-Practice Balance in Teacher Education. Revista Fuentes, 26(2), 225–239.



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