Statistical tables in Primary Education textbooks of Peru
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Estadística, matemáticas, enseñanza de la estadística, enseñanza de las matemáticas, libro de texto, material didáctico, visualización de datos, enseñanza primariaResumen
In recent years, the literature shows an increase in research analyzing statistical representation of data in textbooks, but in the Peruvian context is still scarce. Therefore, this research aims to analyze activities on statistical tables present in mathematics textbooks, published by the Ministry of Education and distributed free of charge to teachers and students of Primary Education in Peru. The methodology is qualitative and descriptive. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used by analyzing types of statistical table, types of task, reading levels and semiotic complexity levels as units of analysis in a complete series of mathematics textbooks of Primary Education, from first to sixth grade, one per level, due to their wide national coverage. The results allow us to observe predominance of tally charts and data tables, completion and comparison tasks, reading level 2 (reading within data) and semiotic complexity level 3 (representation of data distribution). It is concluded that it is necessary to increase the number and variety of tasks related to statistical tables proposed in mathematics textbooks, as well as to reinforce the presence of the highest levels of reading and semiotic complexity in the last years of Primary Education in Peru.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Danilo Diaz-Levicoy, Teresa Sofía Oviedo Millones , Audy Salcedo , Ximena Gutiérrez-Saldivia
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