From aestheticism to postmodernity.

Against the ephemeral modernity of the 20th century




myths of modernity, modern movement, aestheticism and postmodernism, romanticism and mannerism, critical theory


The modernity of standardization and standardized formal rigor, attacked by figures such as Walter Benjamin (1989, 185), Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer (1998), Herbert Marcuse (2007) or Arnold Hauser (1965), is not only that of the technocracy and the hegemony of instrumental reason in the case of fascism and Stalinism; it was also key to the establishment of other totalizing discourses, as in the case of the institutional context of the West, where it still feeds the myths that shape our global image of the 20th century. A century in which, however, and as this article intends to highlight, was dominated from its beginnings by aestheticist tendencies and, at its conclusion, by postmodernism. The phase of overcoming relativism, and the modern myths that bear the illusion of this overcoming —among which we must highlight the image of the modern movement built from the institutionalized discourse of the modern architectural discipline—, were nothing more than an ephemeral tour de force that, even today, delay and hinder our understanding of the present.


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Author Biography

César Saldaña Puerto, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

César Saldaña Puerto es arquitecto, doctorando y profesor asociado en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura y Técnicas de Comunicación; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB); Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Tech (UPC).

Líneas de investigación: filosofía e historia del arte, teoría e historia de la arquitectura, teoría crítica.

Publicación relevante: Saldaña Puerto, César. “Arnold Hauser, Walter Benjamin and the Mythologization of History.” Journal of Art Historiography 22, no. June (2020),


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2023-05-05 — Updated on 2023-05-09


How to Cite

Saldaña Puerto, C. (2023). From aestheticism to postmodernity.: Against the ephemeral modernity of the 20th century. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(31 (EXTRA), 155–176. (Original work published May 5, 2023)
Received 2023-01-15
Accepted 2023-02-28
Published 2023-05-09
  • Abstract 275
  • PDF (Español (España)) 82