Art and creation in the kindergarten classroom


  • Inmaculada Domínguez Castro
  • José Antonio Pineda Alfonso



Creativity, Teaching innovation, Action research


We present a curricular proposal designed to encourage creativity in the kindergarten classroom, which has been tested in two classrooms of the second cycle of this stage (3-6 years). The investigative follow-up of the experimentation has taken the form of an action research, using as data collection instruments the productions of the students (F1), the interviews (F2) and the researcher's diary (F3). We have used a category system and a progression hypothesis to organize and analyze the data. In the analysis of the results there is some evidence of improvement in terms of originality and creativity, and some factors that could be involved in the different evolutions of the participants.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Castro, I., & Pineda Alfonso, J. A. (2021). Art and creation in the kindergarten classroom. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (97), 64–83.



Received 2019-04-30
Accepted 2019-04-30
Published 2021-02-08
  • Abstract 854
  • PDF (Español (España)) 1025