Innovation in the science education is also a political and ideological issue. II: The evolution of the IRES Project


  • Gabriela Cattani Delord
  • Rafael Porlán
  • Gleny Duro Guiarães



Innovation, Discourse analysis, Science education, IRES project, School research


This article, the second of a series of two, completes the study of the innovative discourse of the IRES Project (Research and Renewal of the School). In the previous one, its origin and foundations were analyzed, especially in the field of science education, and in this the evolution is investigated throughout its 30 years of existence. The interviews with the founders and several reference documents have been taken as sources of information. The method of analysis has been based on the Discourse Analysis (AD) and the results show that the project, at this time, has not achieved the expected generalization. Its alternative ideology, highlighted in the first article, clashes with the neoliberal discourse, which has led its members to actively intervene in the social and political debate on the school model.


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How to Cite

Delord, G. C., Porlán, R., & Duro Guiarães, G. (2018). Innovation in the science education is also a political and ideological issue. II: The evolution of the IRES Project . Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (96), 1–15.



Received 2018-12-31
Accepted 2018-12-31
Published 2018-12-31
  • Abstract 496
  • PDF (Español (España)) 130