Conditionalities and potential of ICT use in the 1st stage of basic education in the Algarve (Portugal). A teacher’s vision


  • Fernando Carrapiço



ICT, Basic education, Teachers, Curriculum


Portugal introduced information and comunication technologies (ICT) in non-higher education schools in mid eighties throught Minerva Project. After that, there were several projects, most of them based on policies to supply equipment to the schools and teacher training. Nevertheless all programs to provide equipment to the schools and teachers’ training as well as the social trends towards a full integration of ICT in the the classroom context, the indicators measuring the use of ICT pointed out a low level of its use in elementary schools. This way we tried to know what are the different practices of computer use at school, who are the teachers using ICT, in which activities they use them, which ICT programs they use, we mean how they really use ICT in elementary schools of Algarve region.

Following a research methodology based on two lines, a questionnaire applied to the teachers of a sample of schools and an interview to expertise teachers,we conclude that in fact the use of ICT in schools 1st cycle is reduced , in line with the literature, and teachers value their use conditioning it to factors such as curriculum, equipment and training. The attitudes of teachers have also a considerable high standard.


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How to Cite

Carrapiço, F. (2018). Conditionalities and potential of ICT use in the 1st stage of basic education in the Algarve (Portugal). A teacher’s vision. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (95), 63–80.



Received 2018-10-24
Accepted 2018-10-24
Published 2018-10-01
  • Abstract 163
  • PDF (Español (España)) 72