Fear of innovation. Teaching competences as axes of meaning





teacher education; Action research; competencies; Practical thinking; Emotions


This article, describe an action research experience in the framework of initial teacher education. The development of practical thinking remains to be a challenge for initial teacher education and the mere immersion in practical contexts does not reveal a transformation process, but rather of consolidation of student teachers' prior pedagogical beliefs. In order to understand and to improve the qualities and learning processes that are implemented in the context of the practicum, a group of teachers from the Degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of XXXXX, within the framework of an Educational Innovation Project, collaboratively designed, developed and analyzed a pedagogical proposal as an axis for the development of professional competences of both students and teachers involved during the second Practicum of the Degree.

The fundamental findings of the study reveal how the disposition of both groups, understood as a set of emotions, attitudes and values hinder the possibilities of authentic cooperation of the university teaching staff, and therefore, of establishing a clear and meaningful proposal. This is fertile ground for fear of failure, fear of change, of not obtaining the approval of others and of not meeting one's own and other people's expectations, which in part hinders the possibilities of professional development of the students involved. In short, this article shows the importance of incorporating subjective dispositions in the context of initial teacher training.


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Author Biographies

Gonzalo Maldonado-Ruíz, Profesor en formación (FPU)

is a member of the research team of an R+D+i project funded by a National competitive call, focused on the pedagogical value of Lesson Studies in initial teacher training. She is also part of the research team of a research project funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) which aims to understand how the European Higher Education Area has transformed initial teacher training practices in Andalusia, as well as the impact it has had on recent graduates after 10 years of experience. In addition, she has also presented different results of her doctoral thesis research project in high impact journals (Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado) and in relevant international conferences such as: ECER (organised by the European Educational Research Association), WALS (World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference), the ECCE (organised by Lomonosov MSU, International Academy of Preschool Education, Moscow; and Preschool Education Quality Development Association) or the World Congress on Childhood and Adolescence (organised by Abdelmalek Esaadi University).

Noemí Peña-Trapero, Profesora Sustituta Interina

Noemí Peña-Trapero holds a PhD with European Mention from the University of Málaga. She has been a member of the external review board of the International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies since 2015 and of the Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado since 2016. She has been a visiting researcher during the academic year 2013/2014 at the School of Education (University of Leicester), and in the Childhood and Education sector of the London Borough of Camden together with Cambridge University, both institutions belonging to the United Kingdom. In terms of scientific production, she has published in several prestigious journals in the field, well positioned in databases (included in the SCOPUS high impact index lists). In terms of teaching experience, the teaching of core, compulsory and optional subjects in the first, second and fourth years of the current Teacher Training degrees, obtaining a rating of Excellent in the teaching satisfaction surveys of students in the subjects taught. As far as other merits are concerned, she has worked in CEPs both in the Marbella-Coín area and in La Axarquía (in the province of Málaga), carrying out both working groups and training in centres.


Mª José Serván Núñez, Profesora Titular de Universidad

María José Serván Núñez, has participated in 20 research projects financed in competitive calls by different bodies such as the Junta de Andalucía, the MEC and the European Union in three different research groups. This means an extensive and varied research experience in terms of topics, research groups and work carried out in each of the projects, which has resulted in the publication of 18 books, 22 articles (all in quality index journals) and 35 contributions to conferences that show the benefits of the research carried out and the dissemination of the conclusions of the same. As a result of these projects, various papers have been presented at the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) conferences since 2008 and articles have been published in the International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, Educational Action Research and the Inter-University Journal of Teacher Training. In addition to this line of research, she has been developing a second line of research on educational evaluation, in which it is worth highlighting works such as the coordination of the monograph of Culture and Education where she is the author of two articles: "La evaluación externa de los aprendizajes escolares. Introduction" and "Perceptions and interpretations of educational communities regarding the external evaluation of school learning". In addition, as a result of her participation in the project "Educational assessment of second-order learning, learning how to learn, analysis of international projects and experimentation with alternative strategies", she has co-authored three articles on scientific competence in the PISA programme. She has also researched and experimented with educational assessment strategies such as the portfolio, which has resulted in participation in research projects, the development of teaching materials, the teaching of several teacher training courses on this tool, as well as the publication of several book chapters on the portfolio for prestigious Spanish publishers such as Graó and Akal.


Encarna Soto Gómez, Universidad de Málaga

Encarnación Soto Gómez, es doctora y profesora titular de la Universidad de Málaga. Ha participado como investigadora en 25 proyectos y Contratos de investigación financiados en convocatorias competitivas de carácter Nacional y Europeos. Esto supone una experiencia investigadora extensa y variada siempre relacionada con la formación docente y la innovación y evaluación educativa. Actualmente, es la investigadora principal de un proyecto I+D+i Nacional y Autonómico. Ha disfrutado de varias estancias con el apoyo de diferentes Becas conseguidas en régimen competitivo: en CARE (Centre for Applied Research in Education, University of East Anglia) con Barry MacDonald (1997) y con Rob Walker y John Elliot (Presidente Honorario de WALS); The Institute of Education en Londres (José Castillejo Post-DOC del MEC, enero-agosto de 2008); y con Saville Kushner en University of West of Bristol (2005). Por ultimo, obtuvo una Beca Erasmus Mundus Mobility for Life en Sinhgad Technical Education Society's, Institute of Technology (University of Pune, Lonavala, India). Esta labor ha dado lugar a 80 publicaciones: 26 artículos (en revistas de gran impacto como: Educational Action Research, International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, Revista Educación, Cultura y Educación), 12 libros (Akal), 16 Capítulos de libro (SAGE, Morata, Graó y Akal) y 27 contribuciones a Congresos de carácter internacional como en ECER, AERA, BERA, y WALS, en lugares como Nueva York, Tokio, Hong Kong, Göteborg, Lisboa, etc. que muestran el aprovechamiento de las investigaciones realizadas. Ha coordinado tres diferentes Monográficos de Revista.


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How to Cite

Maldonado-Ruíz, G., Peña-Trapero, N., Serván Núñez, M. J., & Soto Gómez, E. (2021). Fear of innovation. Teaching competences as axes of meaning. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (105). https://doi.org/10.12795/IE.2021.i105.03
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