Heritage education, intergenerationality and intersectionality from a gender perspective. Experience and conclusions for the initial training of educators and teachers
Social science, Heritage, Intergenerational, Intersectionality, Adult education, Interrelacions, Cultural heritage, ResearchAbstract
The contribution presents the results obtained in the development of two heritage intergenerational proposals, carried out between undergraduate and University Program for Seniors students of the University of Jaén, in the context of subjects and heritage issues, during the 2018-2019 academic year. The importance of heritage education from intersectionality and with a gender perspective in the learning and development of social constructs is present. From the analysis of the speeches both oral (with older students) and written, of the students of the different groups that participated in the experience, collected from a directed analysis search form, the importance of that proposal has been evidenced in order to understand that there are differences of appreciation and perception (among them by age, sex and associated gender roles), stereotypes and prejudices in our relationship with heritage that affect the learning and the construction of a critical, reflective and co-responsible citizenship with heritage. Likewise, the results show how, investigations of this type provide us with basic references for the processes of heritage learning and teaching in Adult Education, Secondary Education for Adults, Baccalaureate for Adults and Higher level Vocational Training modules that increasingly have more older students among their students.
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Accepted 2020-04-01
Published 2020-04-30
- Abstract 462
- PDF (Español (España)) 285