What do preservice teachers of Education believe about the role of the University, as professionals and as citizens against climate emergency?





Environmental literacy, Inquiry, Socioambiental problematics, Initial trainning, Preservice teachers’ inicitial conceptions, Climate change concepts, Educating for degrowth


Given the situation of climatic emergency, from the university field, the group “University and Social Commitment for Climate” of the University of Seville proposed to the teachers involved to start this 2019-20 academic year dealing with this problem. Then, it agrees to ask students three questions that related the role of the University and them as citizens and as future professionals, in relation to Climate Change. This initiative has given rise to the present study, whose objective is to know their initial ideas about this problem and their possible solutions from different perspectives. In this paper, we present the results obtained from 189 university students of Education Degree responses (Grade of Childhood and Primary Education and Pedagogy). We applied a content analysis. Mainly, there are two major common roles: training and dissemination for the sake of environmental awareness. Moreover, as for the proposed action measures, they present a simple and superficial treatment of the problem. The conclusions reached have implications for the initial training of teachers, because of their double role as student and preservice teacher, we consider the environmental literacy of the curriculum is crucial that prepares them to educate in the decrease.


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How to Cite

López Lozano, L., & Guerrero Fernández, A. (2019). What do preservice teachers of Education believe about the role of the University, as professionals and as citizens against climate emergency?. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (99), 46–59. https://doi.org/10.12795/IE.2019.i99.04



Received 2019-12-06
Accepted 2019-12-27
Published 2019-12-30
  • Abstract 722
  • PDF (Español (España)) 255