Research in education from a position of not knowing: reporting the transits of an investigation into how secondary school teachers learn
Post-qualitative research, Inquiry, Becoming, Learning, Secondary school teachers, Deleuze, Affects, UnknownAbstract
How can we face research that does not follow a predefined path or apply preset methods, but opens up to dialogue with what emerges in the encounter with the experiences of the collaborators and the researcher? What is the effect of a research process when is altered by the unforeseen and by putting the researcher in a position of unknowing? What happens when is broken the hegemonic meaning of the research which starts from designing a situation that allows for the generation of data in order to analyze them and account for their possible meanings in accordance with previously established decisions? These are some of the questions present in this article in which the transits of a researcher through a project that investigates how secondary school teachers learn and how this journey affects the researcher are accounted for. This affecting makes the inquiry process configure itself as a relational journey where one is attentive not to what one expects to find, but to what (us) is happening in a process that is not linear, but full of bifurcations, doubts and places of not knowing. A process that allows to confront one another sense of research, that revises and questions some foundations and practices on what is assumed in a normalized way as research.Downloads
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Accepted 2019-11-04
Published 2019-12-30
- Abstract 769
- PDF (Español (España)) 313