Scientific Journals of SPUS

Periodical scientific journals are traditionally one of the most representative manifestations of university publishing, as a dynamic and operative formula for disseminating research progress. The University of Seville will ensure that the scientific journals identified with its editorial seal correspond to the quality and prestige required by the Institution.

The natural format for the editorial expression of the scientific journals of the University of Seville will be the electronic format and open network expression in this computer portal of the University of Seville Publishing House, with the aim of achieving maximum dissemination and impact, as a formula for the scientific, academic, cultural and social projection of the University of Seville.

The organisation, quality criteria and management of the scientific journals of the University of Seville are contained in Article 9 of the "Regulations governing the original publication system", approved by the Governing Council of the University of Seville held on the twenty-fifth of February two thousand and ten.


AdMIRA-Análisis de Medios, Imágenes y Relatos Audiovisuales


AdMira Online es una revista de investigación científica, vehículo de trabajos que traten como tema central la Comunicación Audiovisual en sus diversas áreas, medios o productos, con las más diversas metodologías procedentes de las Ciencias Sociales. Nació en 2010, pasando por dos etapas en distintas plataformas. Es de carácter semestral y tiene su origen en el equipo de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía en Medios, Imágenes y Relatos Audiovisuales para el cambio social, del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad, Facultad de Comunicación.



Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea

Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación


Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación (ISSN: 1139-1979/e-ISSN: 1988-5733) is an open access scientific journal that emerged under the impulse of the Research Group on Structure, History and Contents of Communication. It is also currently edited by the Research Group on Communication, Power and Critical Thinking in the Face of Global Change (Compoder).

Our aim is to offer a space to give visibility to research in the field of Social Communication. We are a journal with a long history, the first scientific publication on communication in Andalusia, when it was born in 1998 with the title Ámbitos. Revista Andaluza de Comunicación; in 2003 we became Ámbitos. Revista internacional de Comunicación, thus extending our scope and projection to the global context.

The journal publishes four issues a year: in January, April, July and October. The current average number of articles published in each issue is between eight and ten, which can be published in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The title, abstract and keywords will be presented in two languages. Texts in Spanish and Portuguese will add these elements in English and those written in English in Spanish.

We guarantee an objective, impartial and transparent review process, using the external peer-review system, under the double-blind review methodology. The publication is free and open, there is no charge for the processing of articles (APC) or for access to the contents.

ANDULI, Social Science Journal


Anduli is an international scientific journal with a multidisciplinary approach, which disseminates unpublished research mainly on sociology and political science or on social sciences (miscellaneous). It excels in urban studies, communication and gender studies. There is no charge for article submission, editing or open access publication (APC). The journal uses external peer-review system and is commited to meeting high standards of ethical behavior and gender quality. ANDULI is edited biannually by the University of Seville and publishes originals in Spanish, English and French. It seeks  to bring together production from researchers, institutes and universities  in the North, South, East and West.


Multidisciplinary | Sociology and Political Sciences  | Social Sciences (miscellaneous) | Urban Studies




Araucaria is a multidisciplinary journal focused on the social sciences and the humanities, which publishes original and unpublished articles in accordance with the various current methodological traditions and has an object of prevalent interest in Ibero-American society and history, albeit shared with that raised by the major problems of the international community, democracy and peace. Araucaria is a journal published by the University of Seville, with a quarterly periodicity since 2020 and free access, whose first issue appeared in June 1999. Its official languages ​​are Spanish, Portuguese and English.

FECYT | Scopus | ESCI | ERIHPlus | CAPES

Argumentos de Razón Técnica


Argumentos de Razón TécnicaArgumentos de Razón Técnica is a scientific research journal devoted to specialized studies on the relationship between scientific-technical knowledge and society (STS studies). Its main objective is to integrate research perspectives on epistemological, historical and ethical problems, as well as on the socio-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural dimensions of scientific and technological research. The aim is therefore to promote the study of and reflection on one of the fundamental axes of contemporary culture and society through the convergence of the "culture of the humanities" with "techno-scientific culture". Thus, the scope is to encourage the conjunction of points of view, both of scientists and technologists, interested in a better understanding of the social implications of their work, and of philosophers, historians and sociologists of Science and Technology; and also of economists, jurists, social scientists and professionals who deal with some of the multiple aspects of the relations between Science, Technology and Society.


LA Referencia


OAIsterDART-Europe E-theses Portal



OpenDOARVer detalle de imagen relacionada



Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City


The journal ASTRAGALO was created in Madrid, at the request of its designer, activist and founder Antonio Fernández Alba in 1994 and published 19 issues until 2001. The label Revista Cuatrimestral Iberoamericana indicated its intention of periodicity (which was fulfilled in its last 4 years) and its scope or reference, as a kind of Ibero-American bridge that Antonio physically crossed many times and which he also fostered in his multiplied and distinguished collection of overseas friends.

It also had some signs of identity such as a design based on a classic graphic image (produced by Antonio, who also prepared each batch of originals), a certain magazine/book packaging and the proclaimed ideological intention of being a written magazine, that is, without the profusion of imagery that characterises any publication on architecture, and even more so by rejecting the dazzle of that cult of appearances offered and still offer by the catalogues of glossy and colourful photographs. ASTRÁGALO was a written and austere magazine, in black and white, when more with some small help of line images and it will continue being like that. Keep reading

Architecture | Fine Arts | Philosophy | Geography | History | Sociology.



Atalanta. Revista de las Letras Barrocas


Fundada en 2012 por Julián González-Barrera, la revista Atalanta se publica en volúmenes semestrales donde tendrán cabida trabajos de investigación sobre Literatura del Siglo de Oro, Historia Moderna e Historia del Arte, siempre y cuando haya una vinculación evidente con el período barroco. Solo conociendo el pasado podremos entender el presente e imaginar el futuro. La revista cuenta con sello de calidad FECYT y tiene clasificación B en CIRC tanto en Ciencias Sociales como Ciencias Humanas.


Historia | Literatura

ESCI | Scopus | CARHUS Plus + | FECYT | Latindex

CAUCE. Revista Internacional de Filología, Comunicación y sus Didácticas


Cauce. Revista de Filología, Comunicación y sus Didácticas, fundada en 1977, se constituyó como revista internacional en 2006 y pronto amplió su ámbito investigador a la Comunicación en sus fértiles y plurales relaciones con las Filologías y las Didácticas. Colaboran firmas de las más prestigiosas universidades españolas e internacionales y tiene presencia en el Centro Virtual Cervantes. Su vínculo estrecho con el grupo de investigación “Literatura, Transtextualidad y Nuevas Tecnologías. Aplicación a la Enseñanza en Andalucía” atestigua un marcado carácter interdisciplinar.


Comunicación |  Lingüística | Literatura

Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea

Communiars. Journal of Image, Arts and Social and Critical Education


Communiars. Journal of Image, Arts and Social & Critical Education is a biannual open access journal (two issues per year: June and December) that publishes original scientific articles and artistic proposals. It accepts submissions in Spanish, Portuguese and English. All published papers are related to disciplines contextualized in the arts, education and culture. A publication oriented towards people interested in these fields, as well as researchers and professionals in these areas.

Fine Arts | Education | Communication

ERIH Plus | DOAJ | Latindex Catálogo 2.0 | Sherpa Romeo | Dialnet Métricas


COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies


Comunicación. Revista Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Estudios Culturales (Communication. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies) is a scientific publication whose objective is academic research on topics related to audiovisual communication, advertising, public relations, propaganda and cultural studies. The journal's target audience consists, in general, of teachers and researchers in Social Sciences and Humanities, and, in particular, of academics focused on the knowledge area of "audiovisual communication and advertising".

In 2008 (issue 6) the journal became solely electronic and in 2019 (issue 17) it began to be published on the OJS platform. Thus, previous issues can be consulted at In this new period, the journal aims to increase transparency and facilitate the process of publication and review of the proposals received, as well as to improve the dissemination and readership of the published works.



DIALNET| Latindex | Dulcinea | MIAR |DOAJ | RESH | ÍnDICEs CSIC | PKP Index | Google Academico | ERIH PLUS | Sherpa Romeo | Red de Investigadores en Diseño

CRATER. Art & History


CRATER, Art and History is an annual journal that publishes scientific articles within the field of humanities and its two main branches; Art and History. Its publications are understood in a transversal and multidisciplinary way, in which other areas of knowledge can converge (Anthropology, Architecture, Sociology, Artistic and Visual Creation, etc.).


Fine Arts | History


Latindex; Dialnet; Romeo Sherpa; MIAR.

Notebooks about Vico


Notebooks on Vico is presented as a periodical publication of studies whose axis is situated in the thought of Giambattista Vico. From this original root, it maintains an interdisciplinary profile, aimed at combining studies and collaborations from the most diverse scientific and philosophical fields that are provided, pointing out among its central objectives historical inquiry, critical study and thematic research, but also dissemination and information of ideas. It pays special interest to topics that clarify aspects -problematic, historiographical and Viquian themes- in relation to Spanish and Latin American culture.

Scientific Philosophy | History | Humanities


Cuestiones Pedagógicas. Revista de Ciencias de la Educación


Cuestiones Pedagógicas is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the understanding of different issues in the field of education that are relevant for researchers as well as educational professionals. The journal invites submissions of original research articles, recently published works reviews, essays, case studies, contrasted educational experiences and bibliographic reviews. Contributions are accepted in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. From 2020 onwards, two issues a year are published. Manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Extended special issues guest-edited by leading scholars are published regularly and proposals are welcome. The contributions sent to the journal are anonymously evaluated by 153 external specialists, from 70 Higher Education Institutions of 16 countries in Africa, Europe and Latin America.

Differenz. Revista internacional de estudios heideggerianos y sus derivas contemporáneas


Differenz. Revista internacional de estudios heideggerianos y sus derivas contemporáneas publishes research works (articles, studies), translations and monographic issues, related to the work of Martin Heidegger and his contemporary drifts. The journal is published in July of each year. It is published in two formats, printed and digital, and its official languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German.

Its organs are the Director, the Assitant Director, the Secretary, the Editorial Board and the International Scientific Committee. The members of the Editorial Board will be appointed from among them.

Differenz will alternate issues of free structure with monographic issues on a question of special relevance in Heideggerian research. The monographic issues, in addition to the specialised dossier, may also include other research works not directly related to the theme of the issue.

It will devote a special section to those activities and news from the Heidegger Archive in Seville (located in the Faculty of Philosophy), as well as to those of the Heidegger-Archiv Messkirch in Germany, with which it maintains close collaboration.

Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea.

ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship


ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship es una publicación científica, semestral, que publica en acceso abierto trabajos originales relacionados con la Educación, teniendo como ejes principales la salud, el medioambiente y la ciudadanía, priorizando aquellos que resulten de investigaciones con un alcance nacional e internacional. La recepción de artículos es permanente. Publica trabajos originales en español, inglés o portugués, admitiéndose excepcionalmente en otras lenguas.


Ciencias de la Educación


El Pájaro de Benín


El pájaro de Benin is a scientific journal dedicated to the history and current affairs of Contemporary Art, and, in a special way, to the Vanguards and the Latest Artistic Trends, from a scientific perspective, without any commercial interest and with a clear humanistic and cultural approach. , complying with the quality requirements.

Enclaves. Revista de Literatura, Música y Artes Escénicas


Enclaves es una revista técnica especializada en la intersección de códigos literarios, musicales y escénicos, especialmente en lo que atañe al ámbito hispánico. Privilegia de este modo un enfoque analítico interdisciplinar en virtud de la publicación de estudios originales e inéditos de investigación y de aportaciones artísticas que versan sobre este diálogo entre dominios estéticos. Editada por la Universidad de Sevilla, mantiene una periodicidad anual y su primer número, de carácter monográfico, vio la luz en 2021.



Literatura | Bellas Artes



e-International Review on Social Protection


e-Revista Internacional de la Protección Social is a free downloadable open journal whose objective is to transfer knowledge to society and the scientific community on Social Security, Social Assistance and Social Protection from the perspective of national law, European Union law and international law. It meets the requirements that a medium for the dissemination of research must fulfil in order for the contributions included in it to be considered "of impact" in accordance with the criteria published by Aneca.

Fedro, Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes


FEDRO, Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes (E-ISSN: 1697-8072)  es una revista científica publicada por la Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, vinculada al Departamento de Estética e Historia de la Filosofía de la Universidad de Sevilla y al Grupo de Investigación HUM-345 en Estética y Teoría de las Artes.




Estética | Filosofía del Arte | Teoría de las Artes / Filosofía

Fragmentos de Filosofía


La revista "Fragmentos de Filosofía" se dirige a lectores interesados en los problemas filosóficos en general, con especial atención a la historia de la filosofía, la estética, la ética y la filosofía política. En esta nueva etapa, la revista publica trabajos originales de investigación en su sección principal y, en ocasiones, suplementos con traducciones o ediciones críticas de textos filosóficos relevantes. También se aceptan propuestas de números monográficos a cargo de editores invitados, que serán consideradas por el comité científico.

Futhark. Revista de Investigación y Cultura


Futhark, Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, fundada en el año 2006 y de publicación anual, es una Revista de Investigación de libre acceso que se ajusta al sistema de evaluación por pares de doble ciego. Futhark publica todo tipo de artículos de investigación y reseñas originales en cualquier disciplina de las Humanidades o Ciencias Sociales. Se aceptarán propuestas elaboradas en cualquiera de las lenguas oficiales de la EU.


Bellas Artes | Ciencias de la Educación | Ciencias jurídicas | Ciencias políticas y sociología | Comunicación, Información y Documentación Científica | Filosofía | Geografía | Historia | Lingüística | Literatura | Psicología

ISOC | DICE | MIAR | EBSCOHost | Dialnet | Journalseek | MLA | ANEP | CIRC 

Hábitat y Sociedad


Hábitat y Sociedad es una revista científica de la Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, con arbitraje internacional, de periodicidad anual, que se publica en noviembre. Está dirigida a la difusión de artículos que contribuyan a una comprensión compleja del hábitat social y del derecho a la ciudad, primando investigaciones sobre procesos participativos para la consecución del derecho a la ciudad y la recuperación del equilibrio del hábitat social con el ecosistema. Es una revista interdisiciplinaria en la medida que entendemos el hábitat social como un concepto complejo que se genera por la interacción dinámica de situaciones físicas, sociales, culturales, económicas, jurídicas, ambientales y políticas, en escalas que van desde la vivienda al territorio. 



Emerging Sources Citation Index (E.S.C.I.) | Latindex | REDIB | MIAR 

Historia. Instituciones. Documentos


Historia. Instituciones. Documentos is an annual multidisciplinary academic publication that, as the title of the collection indicates, provides a space for unpublished scientific works on history relating to the period previous to the dissolution of the Ancien Régime, focusing on Medieval History, the History of Law and Institutions and Historiographical Sciences and Techniques.

The journal has obtained in 2016 the FECYT Seal of Quality in recognition of its scientific and publishing quality of the Spanish scientific journals.

Medieval History | History of Law and Instituions | Historiographical Sciences and Techniques

SCOPUS | SJR | DOAJ | ESCI | Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea | ORES | EBSCO | Google Scholar| CIRC EC3metrics | Web of Science WOS |

IBERIA: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics


Iberia is a six-monthly, online, open-access journal on theoretical linguistics in any of its disciplines: syntax, semantics, phonology, discourse, etc. It is mostly focused on generative grammar, although it is open to other frameworks as well. The main goal of the journal is to circulate double blind peer-reviewed, on-going work by researchers in the field in as short a period of time as possible, made feasible through the online platform of Iberia. The language of publication is English



DOAJ | REDIB | ESCI | CARHUS Plus + 2018 | EBSCOS+18

IC Journal Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación


La Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación, es una revista anual que se publica en el mes de enero y está vinculada al Departamento de Periodismo I de la Universidad de Sevilla. Fue fundada por el profesor del Departamento de Periodismo I de la Facultad de Comunicación, D. Manuel Bernal en el año 2003. Comenzó siendo una publicación únicamente impresa en papel, pero desde su número 10, publicado en el año 2013 lleva a cabo  una gestión profesional de manuscritos a través de la Plataforma OJS y cuenta con un doble formato: impreso y digital (accesible a texto completo de forma gratuita). Asimismo, sus trabajos se publican con licencia Creative Commons. La publicación se adhiere a la definición de acceso abierto de BOAI (Budapest Open Access Iniciative), según la cual los usuarios tienen el derecho a leer, descargar, copiar, distribuir, imprimir, buscar o enlazar el contenido completo de los artículos publicados por la Revista IC. Esta publicación no tiene ningún coste asociado al envío, publicación o edición de los artículos remitidos a la Revista IC.




Innova medica: revista de innovación docente de la Facultad de Medicina de Sevilla


Desarrollar una cultura de la innovación se ha convertido en uno de los retos más importantes en la Educación Superior. En ella descansa la calidad educativa y la extensión de una actitud proactiva y positiva de toda la comunidad universitaria, hacia el progreso y la mejora. Sin embargo, conseguir la innovación educativa, pedagógica y didáctica como una práctica habitual de los docentes, exige primero un acercamiento y comprensión del alcance de estos y de los factores que actúan como condiciones básicas para su concreción. Esta necesidad resulta especialmente patente en la enseñanza de la medicina y la biomedicina donde los constantes cambios en el conocimiento y la tecnología asociada y el alto impacto de situaciones clínicas que afectan a la Salud Pública tienen un especial impacto. En este contexto, surge la necesidad de la creación de una revista periódica sobre innovación docente en el ámbito de estas disciplinas. Sus objetivos serán servir de expresión docente y vía de comunicación de los hallazgos sobre resultados de proyectos de innovación encaminados a la mejora de la docencia universitaria en medicina y biomedicina.

Investigaci´ón en la Escuela


Investigación en la Escuela” (Researching in Schools) is an international scientific research and innovative educational journal that is published three times a year (April, July and December).   The journal was founded in 1987 and provided in a hard copy format up to issue 87 (2015) by Díada Editora (ISSN: 0213-7771). As of that turning point, the University of Sevilla publishing office ( took over this project to create an open-access, online version (e-ISSN: 2443-9991). This publication is found in eighty-one (81) international databases, journal assessment platforms, selective directories, specializes portals, archive catalogs, etc.  When assessing manuscripts, a rigorous and transparent blind assessment system is used, in addition to a International Scientific Council and a public network of scientific reviewers from all over the world.

Manuscripts are handled professionally using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) 3 platform, with ethical commitments for transparency, timeliness and anti-plagiarism systems (Turnitin). Having specialized in the research of innovation and teaching materials in education, as well as teacher training, this journal also offers case studies of topics that are of interest to readers.  The full text may be accesses digitally and free of charge for the scientific community and researchers throughout the world.  

Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea | Redib

LOGO from IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix

IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix


IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix is a digital scientific journal whose objectives are the dissemination of scientific articles on commercial and corporate communication, as well as marketing and market research (including the 4 variables of the mk mix: Product, Price, Communication and Distribution).



ISSN-e: 2444-8478


IUS ET SCIENTIA is the first electronic magazine in Spain on Law and Science. Aimed at the transfer of knowledge to society from academia on issues of bioethics and bio-law, new technologies and human rights.

Founded in 2015 by Daniel García San José





Laboratorio de Arte is a research journal founded in 1988 by the Department of Art History of the University of Seville, which is co-published with the Editorial University of Seville, in electronic and printed versions. It is dedicated to the study of the History of Sevillian, Andalusian, Spanish and Ibero-American Art, from Antiquity to the present day.

It is aimed preferably at the scientific and university community, both national and international, as well as all Art professionals in general. Its periodicity is annual, publishing original and unpublished articles characterized by their quality, which have previously been evaluated through the peer review process.

Since 1988 it has been published without interruption.

Articles may be published in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.


ESCI | SCOPUS | DOAJ | ISOC | Redib | Dialnet | Latindex | Miar




mAGAzin. Revista de Germanística Intercultural is an international journal of a scientific, linguistic, philological and translatological nature, published annually under the double-blind peer review system. Its regular format consists of an annual volume which, since issue 26, has been published in digital format only. It has been published without interruption since 1996. It also includes other non-peer-reviewed sections: intercultural didactics, otriverse and reviews and reports.


Linguistics | Literature


     |       |     |  |  |    |  Dialnet  |   |    |Jair Vega Casanova - jvega - Uninorte

Philologia Hispalensis


Philologia Hispalensis is a scientific, linguistic and philological international journal with annual periodicity which conforms to the double-blind peer-reviewed. The journal’s regular format consists of one annual volumen consisting of two issues, one dedicated to Linguistic studies and another to Literary studies. Since 1986 it has been published without interruption.



Linguistics | Literature




Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura


Founded in 2010, is an initiative of the Research Group HUM-632 of the University of Seville. This six-monthly scientific publication, in paper and digital format, publishes original works that have not been previously published in other journals. The article selection process consists of a double blind system involving two external reviewers, following the usual protocols for serial scientific publications.

proyecto, progreso, arquitectura” deals with all the subjects relating to the theory and the practise of the architectural project. 

Full text online publication in Spanish and English.


Wos (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) | SCOPUS| AVERY | EBSCO (Fuente Académica Premier; Art Sources) | Sello de Calidad Editorial FECYT |



Revista Andaluza de Antropología


La Revista Andaluza de Antropología nace, como revista electrónica auspiciada por la Asociación Andaluza de Antropología (ASANA), con vocación de acoger trabajos de investigación de esta disciplina y de otras ciencias sociales sobre temas y problemas desde una pluralidad de marcos teóricos y metodologías pero privilegiando la perspectiva de las “Antropologías del Sur”, atentas sobre todo a las cuestiones claves de nuestro mundo contemporáneo y de las sociedades y sectores dependientes o subalternizados. La R.A.A. está abierta a las iniciativas y sugerencias no sólo de los socios de la Asociación Andaluza de Antropología sino de cuantos colegas estén dispuestos a aportar sus trabajos y reflexiones en la línea de unas ciencias sociales comprometidas con la realidad social, respetuosas de la diversidad cultural y defensoras del derecho a la diferencia sin que ello implique desigualdad de derechos.

Antropología y Etnografía

Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea

Revista de Estudios Andaluces (Journal of Andalusian Studies)


The Revista de Estudios Andaluces (Journal of Andalusian Studies) was founded in 1983, and today it is an biannual scientific electronic journal (two numbers per year since 2018), open to national and international collaborators, and aimed at the dissemination of original articles resulting from research projects and conferences. These articles may be of global, international, national, regional and local scope. The journal accepts articles of a multidisciplinary nature and is open to the publication of methodological and empirical work on geography, environmental issues, GIS, economics, sociology, planning, etc., in which the spatial dimension is present. This journal provides a forum for discussing the most recent results of national and international research. The articles published will be subject to the international peer-review system (double-blind system). 

Area Studies | Economics | Geography | History, Environment, Political Science and Sociology.





Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)- JCI (2020)-: 0.34, Perc. 25.31 Q3 |FECYT: Sello de Calidad FECYT 2021 | CIRC : Human Sciences B, Social Science  C | REDIB (2020): 282/1199, Perc.% 73,520 Q1 | DIALNET metrics (2020) IDR: 0.313 Q2 ( Geography and Economics)| CARHUS Plus+ 2018| ERIHPlus | MIAR 2021: ICDS 10

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos


Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos es una revista académica internacional en lengua inglesa que emplea el sistema de evaluación anónima por pares y publica artículos y reseñas sobre aspectos literarios, culturales, históricos, artísticos o críticos de los estudios norteamericanos. La revista acepta contribuciones de investigación que se ajusten a los criterios científicos resumidos en sus Normas de publicación. Publicada anualmente por la Universidad de Sevilla con el apoyo de la Asociación Española de Estudios Norteamericanos, ha contribuido a la difusión de la investigación de calidad en esta área desde 1992. Las contribuciones deben seguir las instrucciones formales que se incluyen en las Normas de Publicación y serán sometidas a doble evaluación anónima por pares según los criterios que se especifican en las Directrices para Evaluación; si es aconsejable se consultará a una tercera persona experta. Los autores y autoras recibirán un informe completo de la evaluación.

La revista publicará también ocasionalmente secciones monográficas sobre temas de particular relevancia para el estudio de los EEUU de América. Estas secciones serán editadas por invitación y las contribuciones podrán ser por invitación directa de las personas Editoras de Sección o por convocatoria pública. Todos los artículos serán sometidos al mismo proceso riguroso de doble evaluación anónima por pares que se utiliza en la sección monográfica.


Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is an international scholarly peer-reviewed English-language journal which publishes papers and reviews on diverse aspects of U.S. Studies, mainly literary, cultural, historical, artistic or critical, and which has been instrumental in furthering research and publication in U.S. Studies since 1992. The journal, published annually by the University of Seville and supported by the Spanish Association for American Studies welcomes papers from scholars whose research meets the scientific criteria established by the journal and summarized in the Guidelines for Authors. Contributions should follow the formal instructions for submission included in these Guidelines and will be subject to double-blind peer review according to the criteria specified in the Guidelines for Referees; a third expert may be consulted if advisable. Authors will receive a full report of the referees' reasons for their decision.

The journal will also occasionally publish thematic/special sections foregrounding subjects of particular relevance in the field of US studies. These Special Sections will be guest edited and contributions may be either by direct invitation from the Guest Editors or by public call. All papers will undergo the same rigorous process of double-blind peer review as for the miscellaneous section.

Indexed in:



Revista Española de Bioderecho y Administración


La temática de la revista engloba el estudio de las políticas administrativas y su impacto en los derechos de los particulares. Especialmente se publicarán investigaciones que tengan que analicen cómo algunas políticas públicas pueden afectar a la dignidad humana y a los derechos fundamentales.
El estudio de la ética pública, del buen gobierno, de la buena Administración y de la sostenibilidad de las políticas públicas serán también objeto de las investigaciones a publicar.


Ciencias jurídicas 


Revista Fuentes


Revista FUENTES is a publication of the Education Sciences Faculty of the Universidad de Sevilla. Its overall aim is to stimulate the dissemination and exchange of scientific knowledge produced in the area of education and teaching. The journal's scope ranges from the different departments and research groups of this Faculty to broader areas, such as  the autonomous region of Andalusia, Spain and Latin-America.

International Journal of Cultures and Literatures


The International Journal of Cultures and Literatures (RICL) has an annual periodicity, and focuses on the publication of quality articles and works related to the field of philology, cultural studies and gender studies.

RICL publishes both articles and bibliographic reviews in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian. The works presented to the journal must be original and unpublished, so they must not have been previously published nor be in the process of revision or editing in any other place.

ISSN: 1885-3625

Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | DICE | Dulcinea | REDIB | CIRC | CiteFactor

International Journal on Philosophical Practice HASER


HASER: International Journal of Philosophical Practice (DOI:, published by the University of Seville, is the first publication of its kind in the world, according to national and international academic standards and evaluations of impact factors and rankings.

Our annual publication, HASER is indexed in ISI THOMPSON-Clarivate, ERIH PLUS (European Research Index for Humanities), Conicet (Level 1), EBSCO, Latindex (meeting all the 33 academic quality criteria), the Philosopher’s Index, ISOC-CSIC, the Philosophy Documentation Center (International Directory of Philosophy), MIAR (Matriu d’informacio per a l’avaliacio de revistes), CIRC, Infobase Index, DIALNET (University of La Rioja) and REBIUN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias – Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas), while being catalogued in COPAC (United Kingdom), SUDOC (France), Sherpa (University of Nottingham), ZDB (Germany) and the OCLC WorldCat. Additionally it was awarded the Premio Nazionale de Filosofía ‘Le figure del pensiero’ (Italy, 2013), in which academic journals from all over the world participated.

Philosophy | Education


SJR | SCOPUS | WoS - Emerging citation indexMIAR

RIHC. Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación


The RiHC. Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, edited by the Asociación de Historiadores de la Comunicación (AsHisCom) and released through the Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, is aimed at the digital publishing of research on the historical evolution of communication in all its forms and fields.

The journal has two annual semestral issues, and is non-profit making. The Editorial Board is formed by AsHisCom members, while the Scientific Advisory Committee includes leading specialists in the History of Communication, particularly in Europe and Latin America, the regions from which the majority of contributions to the journal are proposed. The first issue was published in the second semestre of 2013.

SPAL - Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología


Spal, Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, is a scientific publication of the Faculty of Geography and History, which has been published yearly in an uninterrupted way since it was founded in 1992. All 22 published issues are available online under Creative Commons License (CC-BY-NC-ND) at the University of Sevilla’s Publication Services website at

Spal is addressed to researchers and professional interested in Prehistory, Archeology and Cultural Heritage as a tool for disseminating scientific research and as an open forum for the discussion of theoretical and methodological issues. The journal’s primary geographic scope is the southwest of Europe and the western Mediterranean, in addition to the colonial period of America.

All sections of Spal (In laudem, Articles, News, Reviews and Scientific Chronicle) are subjected to an strictly anonymous peer-revieweing process. Original manuscripts are accepted in Spanish, French, English, Italian, Portuguese and German language. The ratio between received and finally published manuscripts is around the 70%, with 30 % of submitted papers being rejected. The outcome of the reviews is communicated to authors in a term of within three months of the manuscript reception.

Spal will only publish original high-quality scientific work, and explicitly rejects bad practices in the scientific publication.

The policy of auto-archiving of Spal is defined in Dulcinea.

Spal’s printed version currently has 59 Spanish and 12 foreign institutional subscribers, as well as 18 individual ones. Iinstitutional subscribers, include the majority of Spanish universities (REBIUN), as well as numerous research centers and museums of the Andalusian and National Museums Network.

With this experience, Spal has been located within the main ranking of the Spanish journals in its specialty:

  1. DICE
  2. RESH, 3th of the 1st quartile (88 journals, 2005-2009)
  3. InRECH, 3th of the 1st quartile (88 journals, 2005-2009)
  4. Latindex Standards: 29 of 33
  5. Integrated Rating of Scientific Journals: Group B.

Spal is indexed in the following directories and databases:

In Dialnet, Spal has 482 users subscribed, with recentwith recent consultation and download statistics as follows:













Temas Americanistas


Temas Americanistas es una revista en constante evolución, de acceso abierto (Open Access)que cada vez reúne más reconocimientos y se sitúa y posiciona en las más prestigiosas plataformas internacionales, aumentado constantemente sus consultas y descargas de contenidos, mejorando su valoración nacional e internacional. Sirvan de ejemplo su reconocimiento y valoración en bases como WoS, CNKI, SJR, DOAJ, MIAR, LATINDEX, entre otras muchas. Pero, sobre todo, por los especialistas en la Historia de América.



Scopus | ISOC | Latindex | DICE | Dialnet | REBIUN | AECI | CEEIB | CEISAL | Dulcinea

TEMPORÁNEA. Revista de Historia de la Arquitectura


TEMPORÁNEA. Revista de Historia de la Arquitectura construye un foro internacional en el campo de la Historia de la Arquitectura. Colmando el vacío existente de publicaciones especializadas en esta materia en España, la revista tiene un marcado carácter internacional, que se traduce tanto en la participación activa de expertos internacionales en sus órganos como en las investigaciones que en ella se publican.
Se aborda la investigación en Historia de la Arquitectura desde cualquier disciplina, período cronológico y ámbito geográfico, y promueve la diversidad y complejidad de la Historia como valores irrenunciables. Junto con esta aproximación transversal y plural, esta publicación periódica defiende el carácter multiescalar de la arquitectura abarcando la historia del objeto construido, la ciudad y el territorio.

Bellas Artes |  Historia | Ingenierías y Arquitectura

Dialnet | Latindex | MIAR | ERIH Plus | Dulcinea

THÉMATA. Journal of Philosophy


In its pages you can find works from all philosophical disciplines: History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Gnoseology, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Culture, Philosophical Anthropology, etc.

Thémata Revista de Filosofía was born in 1983 with the intention of providing researchers in philosophy with a channel to publish their work and to promote an open dialogue deprived of ideological bias.

A constant concern of its editors has been to promote interdisciplinary approaches. The journal has always been open to collaborators from all latitudes and has covered the entire spectrum of philosophy. The varied list of authors who have published on its pages constitutes a good proof of this. 

Themata has also wanted to be very flexible when it comes to hosting new projects, fostering discussions on controversial issues and promoting new philosophical values. For this reason, young researchers have always found the doors of the journal wide open.

Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado


Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado se configura como una publicación científico-técnica destinada al estudio y análisis multidisciplinar de todos los aspectos relacionados con el mundo del trabajo, el sistema de relaciones laborales y el ámbito de la protección social. Está destinada a transmitir y recibir información de cuantos profesionales trabajan en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, en especial, el Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, la Economía del Trabajo, la Psicología Social, la Sociología del Trabajo, la educación y la formación como políticas activas de empleo y la Ciencia Política.



Ciencias de la Educación | Ciencias jurídicas |Economía | Recursos humanos |Sociología

PKP Index

VAINART_ Valores e Interrelación en las Artes


En 2011 apareció la revista Va-in-art impresa en formato A3 por los talleres de Gráficas Mirte en Sevilla.

La revista desde su inicio abarca la creación narrativa, ensayo, poesía, pintura, fotografía, investigación en la interrelación de las Artes (pintura/ensayo histórico).

El equipo artístico e investigador fundador estaba está integrado por los miembros de Va-in-art perteneciente a una o a varias de tales artes: pintores, grabadores, dibujantes, poetas, literatos, fotógrafos, escultores, ceramistas, músicos, ilustradores, mosaicistas, arquitectos, restauradores, dibujantes, diseñadores, cineastas, etc.

El interés de la revista es la proyección de valores educativos y sociales teniendo al Arte como centro vital, como motor que impulse el quehacer como grupo artístico de investigación, en el que hay presentes varios profesores de universidad, de conservatorio y otros educadores y profesionales expertos multidisciplinar.

Ante el crecimiento de interés de miembros del Departamento de Educación Artística por difundir los conocimientos e investigaciones realizadas dentro del grupo de investigación del mismo ( HUM-791: Proyección de Valores e lnterrelación en las Artes) se decide iniciar el proceso de dotar a la revista de un carácter científico dinámico y operativo para difundir los progresos de la investigación.


Bellas Artes | Comunicación, Información y Documentación Científica

PKP Index