El papel de las organizaciones sociales en la promoción de la alfabetización mediática, la transliteracidad y la alfabetización informacional en la UE
Palabras clave:
CSOs, Media Literacy, Media and Information Literacy, Digital Literacy, public policies, EuropeResumen
Civil society has an important role in our societies. Its importance has been recognized in political science, media studies, communication science, sociology and in a multidisciplinary approach. From previous research we know that civic engagement is in a positive correlation to media literacy (ML) (Frau-Megis & Torrent, 2009). Civil society organisations (CSOs) are one of the most important media literacy stake-holders in most of our societies. In this article we examine and analyze the results of two European research projects that have in detailed analyzed the role that CSOs in European context. ANR TRANSLIT scientific research project is one of the projects analyzing the role of CSOs in media and information literacy. Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28 (European Audiovisual Observatory, Council of Europe) is the second one. Both projects included more than 100 European scientists and experts. In this study we will analyze the scope of CSOs activities, recognized as key stake-holders, furthermore we question the role they have in relation to other actors and sectors. We are also discussing the historical differences and similarities in neighbouring countries. This article also calls for the necessity to indicate possible risks in CSOs activities and policies. In order to coordinate CSOs activities in EU we offer a new model based upon six key elements of the CSOs, as stake-holder in ML and MIL, in EU and abroadDescargas
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Aceptado 2017-12-29
Publicado 2017-12-29
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