Validation of a Pedagogical Innovation Strategy for the Strengthening of Metacognitive Skills



Palabras clave:

innovación educacional, competencia, evaluación, aprendizaje activo, estudiantes universitarios, entorno virtual, pandemia COVID-19, confinamiento


Different researchers have designed strategies for strengthening metacognitive skills, generally for specific areas of knowledge. The goal of this research was to validate a pedagogical innovation strategy to strengthen metacognitive skills in university students and determine their perception of the same. Three competencies were appointed: self-recognition, self-planning, and self-management of knowledge. The strategy considered three moments: I recognize myself; analysis of the students’ metacognitive skills, I strengthen myself; study strategy planning and I project myself; monitoring and adjustment. A quantitative methodology was used with a pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with three different groups. Seventy-five students from 3 universities in Colombia were involved, one public university and two private who were taking part in three different courses, one virtual and two in distance mode within the framework of the health emergency generated by COVID-19. The competencies were assessed through the Schraw & Dennison (1994) Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) as a pre-test and post-test and were analyzed through a related-sample T-test. The perception was determined by a survey. It was evidenced that students strengthened the three metacognitive skills after the strategy implementation, the significance tests show this to be true. More than 95% of students pointed out that the strategy was effective and that favored the understanding of their learning processes, the organization of their study methods and the constant self-evaluation on the strengthing of their skills. It is suggested that the strategy is used in new learning environments to continue evaluating its effectiveness.


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Cómo citar

Vesga-Bravo, G. J., Gamboa-Mora, M. C., López-Rodríguez, N. M. ., Zapata-Zapata, A., & Hernández López, F. (2024). Validation of a Pedagogical Innovation Strategy for the Strengthening of Metacognitive Skills. Revista Fuentes, 26(3), 279–291.



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