The possibility of a narrative discourse for a Theory of architecture as hermeneutics.


  • José Ramón Moreno Pérez Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla



architecture, hermeneutics, narratives, interstices, contemporary


In a context where theory, hermeneutics, and architecture interweave, a critical vision of human dwelling and contemporary architectural production emerges. This text delves into how architecture and literature have "de-realised" the world, creating narratives and spaces that challenge established norms. Through the lens of Tafuri’s work, the relationship between architecture and modes of living is explored, showing how architectural creation becomes a device for systematising human behaviours to align with capitalist interests. This architectural mediation, marked by the polarity between diversity and unification, presents an aporia on how to integrate multiplicity into a cohesive whole. Having transcended its function of cultural representation, contemporary architecture now faces the task of creating spaces of compensation—simulacra that evoke sensory and nostalgic atmospheres. In this sense, the metaphor of the eye versus the leaf suggests a shift from dominant visual perception to a sensory immersion that reflects the complexity of the contemporary milieu. Thus, architecture not only shapes spaces but also participates in redefining habitability in a constantly changing world. In the work of architects like Siza, there is an effort to reconcile the past and present, offering refuges that allow for a different experience of dwelling. Ultimately, it is argued that architecture must adapt to a broader understanding of the environment, promoting a permeable and dialogic coexistence that responds to the multiple dimensions of contemporary existence.


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How to Cite

Moreno Pérez, J. R. (2024). The possibility of a narrative discourse for a Theory of architecture as hermeneutics. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(35), 109 a 120.
Received 2024-06-28
Accepted 2024-07-22
Published 2024-09-29
  • Abstract 97
  • PDF (Español (España)) 36