Feminist urbanism: analysis of three urban projects of popular habitat in Latin America.


  • Anabella Roitman Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Marianela Priori Saenz Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Dolores Biondi Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca)
  • Paula Jeria Tapia
  • Griselda Itatí Maciel Universidad nacional del Nordeste




feminist urbanism, popular hábitat, urban proyect, ecofeminism, caring city


Feminist urbanism has promoted new forms of intervention in the design and management of the city, both from the public administration and from community initiatives, deploying good practices in different territories. This paper analyzes three cases of popular habitat urban projects in Latin America. It evaluates the roles of the people involved, the defined urban and building typologies and the forms of social organization adopted, verifying the degree of associativity to the theoretical ideas of Feminism and Care within urban planning. An individual signing of each case was carried out through 6 categories: Context, Objective, Actors, Strategy, Impact, and Features of Feminist Urbanism. We worked with a comparative matrix that allows relating them, detecting points in common and highlighting particularities, among others. The cases analyzed were the Intercultural Neighborhood “Comunidad de cambio” in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina; the Neighborhood “Alto Comedero” in San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina, and the Neighborhood “Maestranza” in Santiago de Chile, Chile. The results obtained confirm the existence of a gender perspective in the planning, management and execution of each urban project, with particular features in each case, and allow us to affirm the effectiveness of the designed methodology. The projects promoted sociourban integration, the breadth of rights for women and diversities, as well as the intersectionality of the approaches that contemplated patrimonial aspects, historical reparations, environmental sustainability; cooperative work as a transformer of the territory, the prioritization of care policies and the questioning of gender roles in the distribution of tasks. 


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Author Biographies

Anabella Roitman, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Argentine urbanist. Research professor at the University of Buenos Aires. She studied urban planning and management in Spain and Argentina, and worked on urban and territorial planning projects and plans at the local, municipal, and urban scale. Currently Director of the research project "Feminist urbanism in urban planning", within the framework of her ongoing doctorate, and she is an advisor to the nation's Ministry of Public Works.

Marianela Priori Saenz, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Architect by the FAU-National University of La Plata. She worked in the recycling department promoting improvements in the work spaces of the “cartoneros” where she developed an interest in public policy management. Since 2021 she is an intern and collaborator of the research project "Feminist Urbanism in Urban Planning" at FADU-UBA. She studies management and housing development with the National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

Dolores Biondi, Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca)

Advanced architecture student at the National University of the South (Bahía Blanca). Since 2021, she has been an intern and collaborator in the research project "Feminist Urbanism in Urban Planning" at FADU - UBA. In 2022, she completed her pre-professional internship at the Planning Advisory Commission - UNS and joined the National Program team Impact.AR "Integral Development Plan of the Carmen de Patagones coastline" in which she is a recipient of the scholarships to stimulate scientific vocations EVC - CIN Participates in the university extension project "Elements of planning for construction social of the habitat".

Griselda Itatí Maciel, Universidad nacional del Nordeste

Industrial designer graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires. She works independently and is an entrepreneur in a comprehensive design studio. Likewise, she is a Biomaterials Researcher and is part of the research project "Feminist Urbanism in Urban Planning" at FADU-UBA.


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How to Cite

Roitman, A. ., Priori Saenz, M., Biondi, D., Jeria Tapia, P., & Maciel, G. I. (2023). Feminist urbanism: analysis of three urban projects of popular habitat in Latin America. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(33-34), 287 a 305. https://doi.org/10.12795/astragalo.2023.i33-34.15
Received 2023-05-29
Accepted 2023-08-22
Published 2023-09-28
  • Abstract 269
  • PDF (Español (España)) 206