Invisible Ecoproducers

Galician family farming spaces for local self-consumption


  • Cristina Botana Iglesias Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • María Novas Ferradás Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft, The Netherlands



ecofeminisms, self-consumption, family farming, Galicia, subsistence territories


In the first quarter of the 21st century, we are facing the profound impact of centuries of overexploitation of the Earth and the consolidation of a globalized capitalism with deep colonial and patriarchal roots. Two major challenges converge at this crucial point: the climate crisis and growing social inequality. The urban-centric approach in critical studies represents a significant obstacle to the construction of transformative counter-narratives. In urban and territorial studies, we tend to produce city-centered analyses that ignore the ecological footprint on the spaces - and bodies - that sustain them, often referred to as emptied territories. However, in Galicia, territorial practices persist which, despite having been historically devalued, have survived to the present day. These include family farming for local consumption. The spaces of Galician family farming allow us to imagine alternative ways of inhabiting the land that go beyond the rural-urban dichotomy. Many older Galician women continue to support this system of production and reproduction of the land, creating essential networks of cooperation and interdependence. This research article documents the workspaces of some of these ecological producers of farming descent who have played, and continue to play, a decisive role in the food sovereignty of numerous Galician families, respecting the environment, and caring for biodiversity.


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Author Biography

María Novas Ferradás, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft, The Netherlands

María Novas Ferradás trabaja como profesora en el Departamento de Arquitectura de la TU Delft. Actualmente, está terminando su doctorado en Historia de la Arquitectura y Teoría de la Arquitectura en la Universidad de Sevilla. Es arquitecta por la Universidade da Coruña, máster en Estudios Feministas (Universitat Jaume I) y en Regeneración Urbana (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). Recientemente ha autorado el libro Arquitectura y género: una introducción posible (Melusina, 2021), seleccionado finalista en la XVI Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, y coeditado el volumen Teaching Design for Values (TU Delft Open, 2022). En los últimos años, su trabajo ha sido publicado en revistas científicas como The Journal of Architecture, Planning Perspectives o Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios. Así mismo, ha sido ponente invitada en diversas universidades e instituciones de Argentina, Brasil, Reino Unido y España. Recientemente ha autorado junto a Emilio V. Carral Vilariño “Da Galiza fendida: colonialismos, territorio e vida” en Galiza e o decolonialismo, ed. Fran Quiroga (Fundación Luís Seoane, 2023).


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How to Cite

Botana Iglesias, C., & Novas Ferradás, M. (2023). Invisible Ecoproducers: Galician family farming spaces for local self-consumption. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(33-34), 259 a 284.
Received 2023-06-14
Accepted 2023-08-22
Published 2023-09-28
  • Abstract 409
  • PDF (Español (España)) 182