#architecture: cyberspace and decomposition aesthetics in virtual self-editing.





self editing, social networks, decomposition, cyberspace, virtual architecture.


The proliferation of social networks has led to a radical change in the forms and modes of communication in the arts and architecture in particular. The virtual self-publishing of images proposed by many of these platforms represents a rethinking of contemporary aesthetic experimentation where the limits between author and viewer are diluted in an exponential amalgamation of recombined and retouched information whose only possible pattern is the domain of the expressive, the sentimental. against the representative, dictated from the digital swarm that leads to the dictatorship of the like as a validating argument. From this perspective, the affectation of the project as a conceptual future is flattened in an insubstantial and horizontal decomposition of images that destroys any plausible organization. The generating idea is transferred from the whole to the parts, now converted into an indifferent collage of visual sensations as the only configuring structure of the work. In a surely unconscious way, it is inferred in the virtual space, an area of ​​the (im)possible whose rules are, in the words of Roy Ascott, "re-thinking the possibilities of the architecture of new worlds" (Ascott, R: 1994 ). A cyber-architecture that renounces being a clone of the real and that paradoxically has many qualities of the empty space simulated by modern architecture: weightless, limitless, immaterial and unfinished.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Carabias, F. F. (2023). #architecture: cyberspace and decomposition aesthetics in virtual self-editing. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(31 (EXTRA), 67–84. https://doi.org/10.12795/astragalo.2023.i31.04
Received 2023-01-06
Accepted 2023-03-30
Published 2023-05-05
  • Abstract 199
  • PDF (Español (España)) 72