On the need for a change of worldview to address the current global systemic crisis
cosmovision, complex systems, life, systemic crisisAbstract
From the perspective of complexity, we begin by showing the criticality of the balance between egoism and empathy in the design of the structures that emerge from social collectives, and how this feeds back into the collectivization of beliefs by a mechanism of downward causation. Ours is an eminently egoic culture rooted in the cosmovision inherited from modernity, reinforced by postmodern mythology. The history of recent centuries, channelled by the idiosyncrasies of this egoic society, has led to the current global systemic crisis. Successfully addressing the crisis requires a profound change in the way we interact with each other, giving weight to empathy at the expense of selfishness. This requires a renewal of collectivized beliefs, our present worldview, for a non-anthropocentric and non-reductionist one that emphasizes interdependence.
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Accepted 2023-06-18
Published 2023-07-30
- Abstract 471
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