An experience of written products review among vocational training students




Report, Vocational training, Action research, Evaluation, Laboratory, Chemistry


Here is presented an action-research experience about the writing and review processes of a laboratory report written in a specific technical format called “Standard Operating Procedure” by a group students of the vocational training degree “Laboratory”, which belongs to the professional family of Chemistry. The participant teacher was the author of this paper. Following to write the report, the students followed a peer review process, reading reports written by their partners and giving them some feedback in order to improve the written products. As it is explained later, the aims of the intervention were to help the students to increase their technical competence and also to try to allow them to progress in terms of their scientific literacy and in the progress in their development as active and responsible citizens. About the research analysis shown here, it was focused in studying the evolution of the features of those reports, in particular asking if their coherence and the quality of the information presented in them increase. As results, we founded improvements in some dimensions of the students reports after participating in the peer review process, and also a positive perception of the process among the students. Finally, the results are discussed and used to pose some educative implications.


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Author Biography

Carlos Emilio Reigosa Castro, IES Lucus Augusti

Profesor de secundaria.

Doctor en Química por el Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales de la Universidad de Santiago.


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How to Cite

Reigosa Castro, C. E. (2020). An experience of written products review among vocational training students. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (102), 165–177.



Received 2020-07-30
Accepted 2020-11-16
Published 2020-12-24
  • Abstract 281
  • PDF (Español (España)) 150