Weaving senses and learning in the initial formation with the Lesson Study. A case study





Lesson Study, Practicum, Practical thinking, Tutoring, Initial training education, Cooperation, Reflection


Initial training requires a profound transformation of the teaching and learning processes if we want to stimulate the reconstruction of the practical knowledge of future teachers. The Lesson Study (LS), as numerous investigations show, can become a privileged setting for reflection and cooperative action to simulate the practical thinking of active teachers. In the field of initial teacher training, although with fewer studies and evidence, this research model also sheds light on interesting findings. In this article we present the results of a case study on an experience that incorporates LS into initial teacher training through the Practicum and Final Degree Project. The main findings of this study point to the LS, through its different phases, as key factor for the reconstruction of the practical knowledge of investigated case. Specifically, the emphasis on focusing on children, cooperation, the continuous relationship between theory and practice, and tutoring as facilitation appear as the most significant influences.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Rodríguez Robles, Universidad de Málaga

Maestra de Educación Infantil y Licenciada en Bellas Artes. Doctoranda en la Universidad de Málaga (Programa de Formación de Profesroado Universitario) con el desarrollo de la tesis "La virtualidad de pedagógica de la Lesson Study para la formación inicial de docentes. Dos estudios de caso" .Investigadora del grupo "Repensar la Educación Docente"

Encarnación Soto Gómez, Universidad de Málaga

Doctora en Educación y Profesora  Ttular de la Universidad de Málaga del área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Investigadora en proyectos I+D Europeos y Nacionales relacionados con la innvación, la evaluación educativa y la formación docente. Desde el grupo de investigación Repensar la Educación Docente ha introducido en España, junto a ángel I Pérez Gómez, la Lesson Study como estrategia de mejora educativa en la escuela y la universidad.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Robles, C., & Soto Gómez, E. (2020). Weaving senses and learning in the initial formation with the Lesson Study. A case study. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (102), 109–121. https://doi.org/10.12795/IE.2020.i102.08



Received 2020-06-02
Accepted 2020-07-24
Published 2020-12-24
  • Abstract 590
  • PDF (Español (España)) 398