Relationships between Academic Engagement and Personality Factors in Nursing Students



Palabras clave:

Academic engagement, university students, Personality, Nursing, Educational psychology, Admission requirements


Academic Engagement is defined as a psychological state of accomplishment and commitment to the task performed. Personality factors can help to understand why, some students show a positive mental state related to their studies and others show a lack of engagement. The aim of this study was to determine the personality characteristics of a sample of nursing students based on the Big Five model and to analyze the differences in engagement. The sample consisted of 90 nursing students. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated, and a multivariate analysis of variance was performed. The results showed that the existence of engagement is positively associated with Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness, and negatively associated with the Neuroticism personality trait. The students classified in the first cluster, which was defined by a profile with high neuroticism and low scores on the rest of the personality traits, had a lower presence of engagement. In the second cluster, defined by low Neuroticism and high Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness and Conscientiousness, the presence of engagement was higher. In conclusion, assessments of personality and engagement can be useful measurement tools to find out about students’ academic performance and be able to carry out strategies aimed at preventing the consequences of academic stress in the most vulnerable students.


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Cómo citar

Villafañe, A., Espín López , L. ., Salmerón Martínez, D. ., & Sánchez López, M. del P. (2022). Relationships between Academic Engagement and Personality Factors in Nursing Students. Revista Fuentes, 24(2), 137–148.



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