Rethinking the city from an ecofeminist perspective




architecture, urbanism, equality, feminism, gender, inclusion, proximity, participation, commons, ecofeminism and care


Introduction to the issue of Astrágalo 33-34 "City, gender and care" in which the need for other paradigms for the future city is raised, based on the application of the theory and action of ecofeminism, the recovery and renewal of the commons and the conceptualization and emphasis on care. To this end, the contributions of Françoise d'Eaubonne, Elinor Ostrom, and Joan Tronto are used as references. At the same time, the text briefly introduces, through its discourse, each of the selected and published texts.


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Author Biography

Josep María Montaner Martorell, THATC - ETSAB -UPC

Josep Maria Montaner is a doctoral architect, writer and professor at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC). of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC). He has been a visiting professor at several universities in Europe, America and Asia, and has been councillor for housing in the Barcelona City Council (2015-2019). Barcelona (2015-2019). He is the author of more than 50 books, some of them translated into several languages, such as Política y arquitectura: por
languages, such as Política y arquitectura: por un urbanismo de lo común y ecofeminista (2020), with Zaida Muxí. Some of them, such as Arquitectura y crítica and La modernidad superada. Essays on contemporary architecture, have several editions.



d’Eaubonne, Françoise. 1974. El feminismo o la muerte. Por un movimiento ecofeminista global. Confederación Sindical Solidaridad Obrera. Traducción C. Carrero.

Lederer, Wolfgang. 1970. Gynophobia or the fear of women, Paris, Payot.

Montaner, Josep Maria y Muxí Zaida. 2020. Política y arquitectura. Por un urbanismo de lo común y ecofeminista. Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.

Ostrom, Elinor. 2011. El gobierno de los bienes comunes. La evolución de las instituciones de acción colectiva (Governing the Commons, primera edición en 1990), Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales/Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Fondo de Cultura Económica, Ciudad de México.

Tronto, Joan C. 2015. Who, cares? How to reshape a democratic politics, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London.



How to Cite

Muxí Martínez, Z., & Montaner Martorell, J. M. . (2023). Rethinking the city from an ecofeminist perspective. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(33-34), 13–32.



Introduction to the issue
  • Abstract 133
  • PDF (Español (España)) 113