The urban periphery from a gender perspective.
gender, neighbourhoods, heritage, periphery, womenAbstract
This article is based on research project that applies the concept of "The 15-Minute City" to Seville’s outskirts districts in order to transform them into new urban nodes.
The research project methodology included the selection of ten districts, which were chosen according to parameters such as age, morphology and housing density. Each district was analysed according to a set of previously defined urban indicators. The evaluation of the results was based on extensive fieldwork and the above-mentioned comparative analysis. The main finding from the fieldwork is presented here: the Ellas en la ciudad (Women in the City) project. The main hypothesis stemming from these results is the need to give visibility to and to mainstream into our urban culture the experience of a specific generation of women, the first settlers of the urban periphery, as a fundamental intangible heritage that must be taken into account if we wish to have a truly comprehensive approach to the study of our neighbourhoods.
Ellas en la ciudad women constitute a group of people who, in addition to having led important neighbourhood struggles, shape the current daily life of our districts and the areas where they shop, where they walk, or where they meet. They are the primary users of public transport, food markets, local shops, and squares. However, even today, the main protagonists of these areas are the asphalt, the cars and the lack of greenery, urban furniture or shade. These women are the most sustainable players in an inaccessible and unsafe city that often turns its back on them.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Reyes Gallegos Rodríguez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-08-22
Published 2023-09-28
- Abstract 196
- PDF (Español (España)) 127