Weaving stories. Experiences of socio-spatial transformation from ecofeminist values
history, ecofeminism, notion of care, environmental justice, socio-spatial organizationAbstract
Inequality, as well as the destruction and control of nature, have their bases in the patriarchal system. The incorporation of ecofeminist values in socio-spatial terms would mean a change of paradigm - of thought, political and interdisciplinary - to face the current multifaceted and global crisis, derived from androcentric and neoliberal domination.
Ecofeminism challenges us as a community and as a species to rethink, revalue and make care visible as a universal concept through which we assume ourselves as vulnerable, interdependent, and eco-dependent beings, applicable in turn to non-human animals and ecosystems. Special attention to the development of everyday life as the sustaining axis of our lives is essential because the built environments that we inhabit are the support and representation of society and its links. Its design, its public policies and its neighborhood fabric are decisive in its ability to include, give new meaning, and be an agent of change of values that allow us to live together in equality, heal communities and ecosystems.
Thinking and rethinking ourselves from ecofeminism also supposes the review of origins and background; proposals and systems of thought that were forgotten, discarded, or placed outside the hegemonic logic. This article explores the origins of the relationship that feminisms, ecology and universal rights have maintained at different times in history. In this way, background information on theoretical and practical concepts is displayed, which offers useful perspectives and approaches in the face of an urgent transformation of our environments. An interweaving of thought and experiences that have been disruptive and decisive for the creation of more sustainable, fair and inclusive spaces.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela Arias Laurino, Alessandra Cireddu

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-08-22
Published 2023-09-28
- Abstract 248
- PDF (Español (España)) 149