Dreams of a collective consciousness for Norway: the Friluftsliv.





friluftsliv, dreams, deep ecology, nature, Norway


The following paper describes the way of life of the Oslo people, based on the concept of "friluftsliv", which has generated a collective consciousness in society, as a national ideology with which they identify, and which expresses the preservation of the environment and living in a way that is closely linked to nature.

In addition, the origin of the term "friluftsliv", located in Henrik Ibsen's plays, is explained, with these first appearances having a close relationship with dreams, due to the fact that the playwright acted on the plane of the unconscious for the creation of his plays. On the other hand, the repercussions of this Norwegian character on society are shown, such as the emergence of another new philosophical current, Deep Ecology, led by Arne Naess as its founder, an ideology to which an overwhelming majority of young people in Oslo feel a strong connection, seeing the Norwegian philosopher as a hero, a national treasure. 

In addition to the philosophical current, other projects, facts or works of art in which the presence of the "friluftsliv" is more than evident are explained: "Fjord city", "Not Red but Green" and the 22 July bombings, together with the election process for his memorial.


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How to Cite

Andrés Medina, J. (2023). Dreams of a collective consciousness for Norway: the Friluftsliv. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(32 (EXTRA), 89–106. https://doi.org/10.12795/astragalo.2023.i32.06
Received 2023-03-29
Accepted 2023-06-04
Published 2023-07-30
  • Abstract 297
  • PDF (Español (España)) 133