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The 1857 inventory. The first holdings of the ETSAM Library




Books and magazines are one of the fundamental historical means to establish and understand the didactic methods of Architectural Composition. One editorial period of particular interest was the creation of the Special School of Architecture, established from the Academy with new technical and programmatic requirements since the mid-19th century. Situated in this founding moment, this article studies the first funds of the ETSAM Library collected in an inventory of the year 1857, in order to understand its relevance and meaning for teaching architecture, and the editorial means available for it.  The study carried out has shown the interest of the ETSAM in patrimonial sources, centered on the presence of authors such as Gian Battista Piranesi, Luigi Canina or J.J. Winckelmann, assuming the role that the prints of Rome had in the preceding decades. New project methods have emerged, with typological studies and the repertoires of contemporary works as a documentary system. New formats appear, such as periodicals, with specific interest in national development and material techniques, as well as the same attention to heritage and the project. The Spanish works establish a certain continuity with the Academy interests, immersing themselves in addition in the new documentary trends described above. In summary, a general framework of results that has allowed us to understand the role of the edition in the learning of architecture in this historical moment.


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Prieto González, José Manuel. 2004. Aprendiendo a ser arquitectos, creación y desarrollo de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid (1844-1914). CSIC, Instituto de Historia

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Navascués Palacio, Pedro. 1982. Influencia francesa en la Arquitectura del siglo XIX: la Etapa Isabelina. Archivo español de arte, v. 55. 217. 59-68

López Otero, Modesto. 1945. primer centenario de la escuela superior de arquitectura "pasado y porvenir de la enseñanza de la arquitectura". Revista Nacional de Arquitectura. 38. López Otero. 38-51.

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How to Cite

González Izquierdo, J. M. (2023). The 1857 inventory. The first holdings of the ETSAM Library. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(31 (EXTRA), 45–66.
Received 2022-12-14
Accepted 2023-02-23
Published 2023-05-05
  • Abstract 845
  • PDF (Español (España)) 105