Astrágalo admitted to the FECYT
We inform you that the result of the evaluation, in provisional resolution, of the 8th edition of the evaluation process of the editorial and scientific quality of Spanish scientific journals that the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has carried out during 2023, has been AWARDED in the areas of Engineering and Architecture and Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography.
Attached are the evaluation sheets with the assessment of each of the quantitative indicators as well as the score obtained in the visibility and impact indicator.
Qualitative assessment obtained:
1.Structure of the journal and scientific orientation.
Grade: 7
The journal, which has evolved over the last 25 years, aims to analyse the experimental and critical thinking of the current state of the art in the construction of cities and the craft of architecture. The current purpose of the journal is to "disseminate the work of intellectuals (academics and professionals, new or established) from all over the world who are able to offer transdisciplinary contributions that propose a critical analysis of Architecture in its insertion in urban cultures". The structure and sections of the journal are coherent with its focus and scope. The periodicity of the journal is annual, from 2021 each issue is titled as a monograph and the number of contributions is adequate, although for a scientifically oriented journal it would be recommended to increase the number of publications annually. The layout and design is congruent with the style of the journal. The images published are of an adequate resolution, but the quality of the graphics could be improved. Keywords could also be included at the beginning of the article. Contributions are accepted and published in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
2.Structure of the articles published in the journal and their scientific orientation.
Grade: 7
It follows an editorial model in accordance with the purpose of the publication. However, due to its purpose, some articles lack references, other articles include a brief CV of the author (but not all of them). The criteria for the structure could be unified. In many cases the articles are closer to popularisation than to research. Academic rigour is typical of the area of knowledge. There are articles corresponding to disciplines far removed from those of architecture which, in principle, is an advantage for increasing the scope of the journal and which could add value to the publication. However, it would also be advisable to encourage the participation of authors from other disciplines with competences in urban planning, such as civil engineers, in order to promote participation in a multidisciplinary context.
3.Methodology of the journal articles.
Grade: 5
The articles are explained in a rigorous manner, although the inclusion of techniques and methods of analysis that improve the scientific orientation of the journal is recommended.
4.Relevance of the journal's contribution to its area of knowledge.
Grade: 7
The originality of the articles published could be enhanced by increasing the number of articles in the journal and, in turn, could be improved by increasing its periodicity, given that in one year the opportunities may be many and of different kinds. As an example, the incursion of artificial intelligence in the future development of cities deserves an article reflecting on human creativity (originality of a free architectural creation) versus the development of algorithms based on what is known/learnt. It is also recommended that a section on future lines of research be included to encourage future work. Likewise, the participation of the private sector in the publication could represent an opportunity in the development of new lines of research and an improvement in the transfer of UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS knowledge.
5.Specialisation of the Board or Committee (Editorial, Advisory, Scientific...) of the journal in which the power to decide on the contents to be published resides.
Grade: 8
The editorial team is made up of the Management, Editors and Scientific Committee, Ethics Committee and a graphic designer with members mainly from the national and international academic world. Most of the members are from the academic sector and are associated with a link where their specialisation can be verified. All have experience in the scientific field of the journal. It is recommended that the participation of private enterprise and other profiles related to the field of the journal be extended.
The mark obtained in the qualitative evaluation is: 6.8 out of 10.