The teaching of History in the baccalaureate and its innovative future
History instruction, Pedagogical innovation, Education development, Secondary educationAbstract
Methodological approaches and curricular projects linked to the teaching of history will depend on the political and educational contexts, the teachers, the currents of thought that have influenced didactics, the educational purpose and the social value attributed. Therefore, to reflect on the teaching of history and its didactic innovation, bringing all these levels together, would be of interest in order to improve the practice, the practice of today and the one to come, and to record its innovative future. This has been the main purpose of the work presented, in which teachers and innovation groups have been studied and supported proposals for change as opposed to a teaching of history based on the transmission and memorization of contents mainly political, organized chronologically and centered in the area of Western Europe.Downloads
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Accepted 2018-12-31
Published 2018-12-31
- Abstract 269
- PDF (Español (España)) 638