The aesthetics of the school space: an axis to transform practical teaching knowledge




teacher training, practical knowledge, educational space, aesthetics, case study


Does rethinking the educational space favour the professional development of teachers? This article aims to show the suggestive and hitherto unexplored relationship between the spatial design of the teaching space and the transformation of the practical knowledge of teachers. To do this, and from the framework of qualitative research, the experience lived by a group of four Early Childhood Education teachers is analyzed through a case study that includes a collection of broad and diverse information: life stories, interviews, group of discussion, documentary analysis, and prolonged immersion and observation in the context over three years. The results of this research show that, for this group of teachers, reflection on the design, modification and experience of space is a relevant axis for the transformation of their practical knowledge. On the one hand, due to its physical and tangible nature, the space allows them to make visible and generate awareness of their most automatic actions in order to begin to rethink and reconstruct them (practice theorization). In parallel, creating and inhabiting a new space generates an aesthetic experience that mobilizes them towards new responses and action scripts, conditioning a new view, posture and way of being a teacher (experimentation of the theory).


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How to Cite

Márquez-Román, A., & Soto Gómez, E. (2023). The aesthetics of the school space: an axis to transform practical teaching knowledge. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (106), 174–188.
Received 2022-05-18
Accepted 2023-07-17
Published 2023-07-17
  • Abstract 368
  • PDF (Español (España)) 279