Reconnect with nature. Attitudes and perceptions about the outdoor education of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers




Outdoor education, teaching and training, teachers, perceptions


The purpose of this work is to know the teachers' perceptions about outdoor education. There are bibliographic findings that highlight the benefits that contact with nature has for child development, however, few teachers practice this educational approach with their students. The results of an investigation are presented where its participants, teachers of Early Childhood and Primary Education, express their opinions about the learning that they believe can be generated in nature and the barriers and limitations on this educational approach. The study concludes that the lack of training, time and interest are the main causes of the shortage of outdoor experiences that take place in the educational centers of the teachers participating in the study.


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How to Cite

Ruiz de la Cruz, C. P., & García González, E. (2023). Reconnect with nature. Attitudes and perceptions about the outdoor education of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (106), 53–64.
Received 2021-12-22
Accepted 2023-07-12
Published 2023-07-17
  • Abstract 696
  • PDF (Español (España)) 635