Beliefs about school-museum relation: prospective study at the Segovia School of Education




Lifelong education, Museum didactics, University, Cultural heritage, Museum, Non-formal education, Teacher training


The relationship between the school and the museum is a topic widely studied from a museological perspective. The school has been established as the museum's first milestone for opening to society (Calaf, 2009), going from a training offer focused on the curriculum and subject to the structure of formal education, towards an educational perspective that is based on non-formal education and moves away from the curriculum. However, there are hardly any studies carried out analyzing the vision of this relationship from a school perspective. The object of this study is therefore proposed, we want to know what beliefs the future teachers have about the current relationship between the school and the museum. We will focus on an experimental study contextualized in the degree of Early Childhood Education at the Segovia Faculty of Education, belonging to the University of Valladolid, For this, an ad hoc tool has been carried out to know the beliefs of the students and a descriptive approach has been made to the results obtained. The main results bring us closer to the belief that in the school-museum relationship educational proposals should start from the museum, adapted to the curricular content and that there is no flexibility in this type of proposal and it is the teacher who must adapt to the training offer offered.


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Author Biography


Licenciada en Bellas Artes por UCM, doctora en Educación por la UVa. Su principal línea de investigación se centra en la educación patrimonial y sus las implicaciones identitarias. Ha participado en diversos congresos internacionales como conferenciante y comité organizador. Cuenta con múltiples publicaciones en revistas y libros y forma parte de diversos proyectos I+D, GIDs y Redes de especialistas.


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How to Cite

Gómez Redondo, C. (2020). Beliefs about school-museum relation: prospective study at the Segovia School of Education. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (101), 58–69.
Received 2020-05-06
Accepted 2020-07-08
Published 2020-07-30
  • Abstract 406
  • PDF (Español (España)) 222