About the Journal

Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación (ISSN: 1139-1979/e-ISSN: 1988-5733) is an open access scientific journal that emerged under the impulse of the Research Group on Structure, History and Contents of Communication. It is also currently edited by the Research Group on Communication, Power and Critical Thinking in the Face of Global Change (Compoder).

Our aim is to offer a space to give visibility to research in the field of Social Communication. We are a journal with a long history, the first scientific publication on communication in Andalusia, when it was born in 1998 with the title Ámbitos. Revista Andaluza de Comunicación; in 2003 we became Ámbitos. Revista internacional de Comunicación, thus extending our scope and projection to the global context.

The journal publishes four issues a year: in January, April, July and October. The current average number of articles published in each issue is between eight and ten, which can be published in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The title, abstract and keywords will be presented in two languages. Texts in Spanish and Portuguese will add these elements in English and those written in English in Spanish.

We guarantee an objective, impartial and transparent review process, using the external peer-review system, under the double-blind review methodology. The publication is free and open, there is no charge for the processing of articles (APC) or for access to the contents.

Current Issue

No. 65 (2024): Summer Edition
					View No. 65 (2024): Summer Edition
Published: 2024-07-15
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