Impact and evolution of sound documentaries in Spain: extension, narrators and interviews




documentary, audio, podcast, series, podcasting


The first serialised audio documentary was published in Spain in 2016, and in just eight years, this genre has become a journalistic benchmark. The audio documentary offers an opportunity to entertain the listener through quality journalism, based on research that focuses on documentary sources. To better understand this evolution, an analysis of 26 documentary series published in Spain between 2016 and 2020 has been carried out. These dates mark the arrival of these documentaries and the opening of podcast production to new platforms. In total, 76 hours of content were analysed using a mixed methodology. The results of the study indicate that sound documentaries are predominantly produced by journalists and are characterised by their length. A narrator guides the listener through the story and the research process, adopting an informative tone, but allowing for subjectivity in his or her discourse. Interviews with the protagonists of the stories are a component, occasionally complemented by interviews with experts. This format, by combining informative storytelling with subjective elements and in-depth interviews, manages to offer a rich and immersive experience for the audience, establishing itself as a powerful tool in contemporary journalism.


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Author Biographies

Ángela Ruiz Martínez, University of Seville

Ángela Ruiz Martínez Visiting Professor in the Department of Journalism II at the University of Seville. PhD in Journalism (2023) from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has participated in numerous national and international conferences. Her publications include: El podcast narrativo de no ficción: La crónica sonora y sus posibles variables, Aranzadi (Thomson Reuters), 2022. He has taught podcasting courses in private schools and at the University of La Rioja. She has worked in Spanish public television and radio (RTVE) and in different audiovisual production companies. She is a member of the Research Team on Audiovisual Genres and Images, EGAUDIM, included in the Andalusian research plan and a founding member of the Academy of Audio Spoken in Spanish.

Pastora Moreno Espinosa, University of Seville

Pastora Moreno Espinosa is Professor of the Department of Journalism II of the University of Seville, with teaching practice in the Faculty of Communication. She holds a PhD in Information Sciences (1992) and a PhD in Hispanic Philology (1996) from the University of Seville. She has been a visiting professor at several European Universities: Brussels, Bologna, Milan and Verona, as well as at the National University of Chengchi in Taipei (Republic of Taiwan). She has also taught courses at the University of Merida-Yucatan (Mexico), University of the Americas (Puebla), Autonomous University of Chihuahua, University of San Salvador, Radiotelevision of Veracruz, Veracruzana University, Anahuac University of Cancun, University of Havana, etc. Some of his publications are: Opinión y Géneros Periodísticos en la Era Multimedia, Madrid, Universitas, 2012, Los nuevos retos del periodismo digital, Madrid, Universitas, 2012, Aportaciones metodológicas para la redacción periodística, Madrid, Fragua, 2019, as well as numerous articles on the journalistic message. She is director of the Research Team on Audiovisual Genres and Images (EGAUDIM), included in the Andalusian research plan. She has collaborated in different media, both press and radio and television, and has participated in numerous seminars, symposiums and national and international congresses with papers and communications.

Juan C. Figuereo-Benítez, University of Seville

Juan C. Figuereo-Benítez is a predoctoral research professor in the Department of Journalism II at the University of Seville. He is a graduate of the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and the Master's Degree in Political and Institutional Communication of the University of Seville. He is currently studying the Interuniversity Doctorate in Communication at the Andalusian Universities of Cadiz, Huelva, Malaga and Seville. He is part of the Laboratory of Communication Studies (Ladecom) and is a member of the Research Group Communication, power and critical thinking in the face of global change (Compoder), with official code SEJ-675. He has been visiting research professor at the Universities of Havana (Cuba), El Salvador and Francisco Gavidia (El Salvador), Autónoma de Baja California and Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), Cartagena (Colombia), Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (Peru), Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) and UCES (Argentina). His research interests are political and institutional communication, electoral campaigns, social networks and accessibility.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Martínez, Ángela, Moreno Espinosa, P. ., & Figuereo-Benítez, J. C. (2024). Impact and evolution of sound documentaries in Spain: extension, narrators and interviews. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (66), 130–149.



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