The behavior of regional television channels on social media: the case of Facebook
TV, Facebook, new narratives, engagement rate, social network, convergenceAbstract
This research analyzes the implementation of Facebook, the most widely used social network according to the IAB 2022 study, in the content dissemination strategy of regional television channels as a way to engage with their audience, seeking to glimpse the use of social media in the television context. In this case, ETB, TVG, and TV3 have been selected as television channels born in the analog context, while Á Punt, 7 TV, and TPA represent native digital television channels. A quantitative methodology has been applied, analyzing 1552 posts to observe their frequency, content behavior, the use of video, and other digital tools, as well as the relationships established with users, in order to determine whether the social network is being used as a means to generate new content or, conversely, if Facebook is a promotional tool aimed at migrating users to traditional television media. The analyzed elements serve as a starting point for a methodological proposal that can be applied to other social networks. Thus, it can be concluded that television channels are putting little effort into generating exclusive content for social media that caters to the needs of new users, and there is a lack of horizontal relationships with users, maintaining the communicative paradigm of previous communication models.
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