Hermeneutic Action

The construction of a theoretical and argumentative discourse on the work of Eladio Dieste, a small hermeneutic sample applied to the disciplinary field of architecture.





Eladio Dieste, Atlántida, patrimonio mundial, discurso, hermenéutica


This article publishes part of the results of a postdoctoral research and university extension work that essentially constitutes a hermeneutic action applied in the disciplinary field of architecture. It concerns the discourse justifying the exceptional universal value of the Church of Atlántida, a work by Eladio Dieste. With this discourse, Uruguay, as a UNESCO member state, proposed the work for inclusion in the World Heritage List and finally succeeded in its inscription. In its first part, it establishes the necessary theoretical-methodological framework to justify and make the necessary considerations to explain and argue that the process of elaboration of this discourse has essentially been a hermeneutic action, supported mainly by Grondin, Gadamer, and Ricoeur. In its development, it presents without alterations the discourse itself, which until now remains unpublished, while also presenting a fine piece of architecture. Finally, without intending to draw a closed conclusion, it offers some considerations as a conclusion, reviewing the elaborated text and the process carried out, from Pareyson's theory of formativity and with the principles of humanism that characterize hermeneutic philosophy.


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How to Cite

Ferraz-Leite Ludzik, A. (2024). Hermeneutic Action: The construction of a theoretical and argumentative discourse on the work of Eladio Dieste, a small hermeneutic sample applied to the disciplinary field of architecture. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(35), 143 a 156. https://doi.org/10.12795/astragalo.2024.i35.06
Received 2024-05-15
Accepted 2024-08-20
Published 2024-09-29
  • Abstract 45
  • PDF (Español (España)) 27