Living... like this (So... wohnen). Wera Meyer-Waldeck as part of a network of architects involved in the way of living


  • Josenia Hervás y Heras arquitecta



women architects, housing, exhibitions, Wera Meyer-Waldeck, So...wohnen


Through the figure of the architect Wera Meyer-Waldeck (1906-1964) as organizer of the exhibition So... Wohnen, a thin network of professional women is analyzed. In an early stage, at the end of the nineteenth century, Arminius, Hill, Henrietta Barnett and Addams were true social reformers. Already in the first half of the twentieth century the network extends from theorists and critics of architecture and urbanism, such as Bauer and Denby, to exhibition managers and interlocutors of a growing female population, who asked for new answers to the housing problem. All of them assume the design of the living space as a social responsibility, but Meyer-Waldeck demands more, as she seeks a female role in residential planning. There is evidence of a meeting between Bauer and Meyer-Waldeck. On the other hand, Bauer and Alison Smithson update the figures of Hill and Addams. There are coinciding points between the thinking of the couple of architects Alison and Peter Smithson (admirers of the work of Lilly Reich) and Meyer-Waldeck. These intersections allow us to affirm that the exhibition So... wohnen shows a new vision of austerity, where the ordinary becomes heroic (as the Smithsons and the Bauhaus would say) in post-war times.


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Author Biography

Josenia Hervás y Heras, arquitecta

Doctora arquitecta por la ETSAM. Funda estudio propio con Esteban Herrero (Göttingen) desde 1992. Profesora en la Universidad de Alcalá desde 2016. Su tesis "El camino hacia la Arquitectura: las mujeres de la Bauhaus" (2014) fue finalista en la X Bienal Iberoamericana Arquitectura y se publica con el título Las Mujeres de la Bauhaus. Colaboró en el catálogo de la exposición “Frau Architekt” del Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Frankfurt) 2017. Ha participado en el libro Bauhaus Women. A global perspective, editado por Elizabeth Otto y Patrick Rössler. Ponencia en el Congreso “Bauhaus In and Out: perspectivas desde España”. Publicado un capítulo en Beyond Bauhaus. New Approaches to Architecture and Desing Theory, con el Dr.-Ing. Johannes Warda (editor) para la Universidad de Heidelberg. Artículo finalista en la XV Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 2021 por “Los inicios de la Bauhaus. Weimar 1919”. Participación en la 17th International Docomomo Conference en 2022.


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How to Cite

Hervás y Heras, J. (2023). Living. like this (So. wohnen). Wera Meyer-Waldeck as part of a network of architects involved in the way of living. Astragalo. Culture of Architecture and the City, 1(33-34), 87–107.
Received 2023-05-16
Accepted 2023-08-22
Published 2023-09-28
  • Abstract 520
  • PDF (Español (España)) 297