Place marketing, happiness and communication structure
Cover Vol 7, No 2. Bullseye background.


Wellbeing Comunicación

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Fernández-Ossó Fuentes, M., & Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela, N. (2024). Place marketing, happiness and communication structure: Review and context of consumer wellbeing. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 7(2), 51–66.
Received 2024-07-16
Accepted 2024-07-22
Published 2024-07-31


This research is based on the concepts of marketing and happiness in the wellness sector, thinking about the consumer and studying consumer happiness stimulated through the consumption of products and the media structure observed through media planning and support. The methodology used is quantitative survey methodology, using a sample of a total of 384 consumers and company employees, identifying internal and external factors related to happiness that drive a continuous consumption cycle as consumers seek satisfaction in products with novel features. The results point to a high emotional impact on marketing, suggesting strategies for companies and their relationship with their audiences.


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