Editorial Process

Each manuscript sent to “Investigación en la Escuela” is reviewed by the editor to determine whether it continues further steps for assessment based on the following criteria:  

  1. Suits the journal’s editorial line (see about de journal).
  2. Complies with formal requirements. 
  3. Rigor and quality of the work presented.

The result of this review is reported to the authors within a maximum of seven days.

Once accepted, the manuscript is then assessed by expert reviewers in the subject covered using a double-blind arbitration system; reviewers are oblivious of the author’s name/s, and the author/s do not know who the reviewers are. Should there be a discrepancy, a third reviewer is asked to provide his/her input.

When assessing manuscripts, standard criteria are used to determine the appropriateness of the article for the journal, including whether it is original, of interest to readers, that is contributes to the state of the matter, is correctly stated, uses rigorous methodology and is coherent. You may consult the manuscript review protocol used by reviewers.

Manuscripts that are assessed and that require changes (both minor and major changes) are returned within a maximum of fifteen (15) days. All authors receive anonymous scientific assessment reports so that they may undertake improvements (as may be the case) or comments as deemed necessary.

Below is an outline of the editorial process (click to enlarge):


Each article, based on the editors’ analysis which in turn is grounded in the reports from experts, may be approved without changes, to then be returned to the authors for certain changes or improvements may be made, or rejected. In this latter case, the authors will be informed within a maximum of three (3) months.

The authors of accepted articles, prior to the final edition, will receive proofs for correction. These will be emailed to the authors in PDF so that spelling or typographic corrections may be made within a maximum of three (3) days. Only minimal corrections may be made regarding the original, already-assessed manuscript.

“Investigación en la Escuela” reserves the right to publish the approved article in the issue and on the date deemed most appropriate, in keeping with the amount of space available.