Code of ethics

The journal Investigación en la Escuela is committed to promoting ethical behavior in its publications. As such, it uses the principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors ( as its reference.

Therefore, all editors, evaluators and authors need to be aware and accept the principles of this code.

Editors are committed to:

- Respecting the privacy of authors as evaluators.

- Protecting intellectual property.

- Maintaining the integrity of the contents published.

- Publishing contents in a timely manner.

Evaluators are committed to:

- Participating in the double blind review process to help authors to improve their work.

- Respecting acceptance and evaluation deadlines of all articles. Should you be unable to comply, inform the editors in a timely manner to avoid delays within the editing process. 

- Respecting the confidentiality of all articles submitted for review; never discuss articles with third parties without specific permission form journal editors.

- Being objective when reviewing articles; avoid judging the author and present your opinions with respect.  

- Reviewing and indicating precise bibliographic data of relevant work for the subject matter of the article that the author may have overseen.  Moreover, inform the editors of any similarities or coincidences in the text with other works.

- Considering any and all information that may have been obtained throughout the evaluation process as confidential; never use it for personal gain.  Evaluators only accept this commitment if and when it does not lead to a conflict of interests.

Authors are committed to:

- Being responsible for providing an original manuscript, respecting the standards for citation established by this journal.

- Openly recognizing that the author and co-authors, should this be the case, have significantly collaborated in the drafting of the article and that all parties involved agree with the final version to be published.

- Not publishing the same research results simultaneously in several journals.

- Providing journal editors with access to all sources and data upon which the research is based, should these be requested, and save said information for a reasonable period of time once the article has been published.

- Specifically stating that there are no conflicts of interest that condition the results and conclusions of the research.  Should there have been financial backing for your research, declare this fact using the full name of the grant/subsidy and project code in which the article was included. 

- Reviewing and correcting all articles published and inform journal editors of any inaccuracy so that corrections may be made.