The acquisition of scientific procedures from Brazilian middle school students


  • Andreia de Freitas Zompero
  • Tiago Henrique dos Santos Garbim
  • Cinthia Hoch Batista de Souza
  • Diliane Barichello



Science education, Procedures in sience, Cognitive habilyties, High school


The objective of this study was to identify the understanding of students who participated in a Jr Initiative Project, in relation to aspects related to the procedures in Sciences, such as identification of the problem to be investigated, elaboration of a work plan for problem solving, organization of the data. The Jr Scientific initiation project was conducted between the school and a university. The results indicated that these students had more difficulties in developing a work plan to solve the problem and to identify evidence, on the other hand, they presented a better understanding of how to record the data. This information provided elements to guide the activities of Scientific Initiation to provide students with a better understanding of the procedures used to establish scientific knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Andreia de Freitas Zompero

Docente do programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu Ensino de linguagens e tecnologias. Rua Tomás Antônio Gonzaga nº105. Londrina PR. Cep: 86-015-320

Tiago Henrique dos Santos Garbim

Docente do curso de Ciências Biológicas.

Cinthia Hoch Batista de Souza

Docente Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Leite e Derivados.

Diliane Barichello

Aluna de Iniciação Científica do curso de Ciências Biológicas.


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How to Cite

de Freitas Zompero, A., dos Santos Garbim, T. H., Batista de Souza, C. H., & Barichello, D. (2018). The acquisition of scientific procedures from Brazilian middle school students. Investigaci´ón En La Escuela, (94), 31–46.



Received 2018-10-25
Accepted 2018-10-25
Published 2018-04-30
  • Abstract 161
  • PDF (Español (España)) 74