El Evaluating the Riecu Practicum. From innovation to educational research as a strategy for practice improvement
teaching practice, teacher education, pedagogical documentation, educational innovation, action research, educational researchAbstract
The present paper is aimed at analysing the impact derived from student teachers participating in an educational innovation experienced, linked to the course Practicum III of the fourth year of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Degree at the Faculty of Education in the University of Córdoba. Four innovative elements are considered, which differentiate this practicum from the ordinary one: (1) the selection, following excellence criteria, of ECE teachers who exert the role of professional tutors; (2) the forming of the educational pair, integrated by a student teacher and an ECE teacher; (3) pedagogical documentation; and (4) the development of collaborative action-research processes. More precisely, several aspects are analysed: the acquisition of teaching competences, strengths and weaknesses of the innovation experience as expressed by the student teachers, as well as the role exerted by the professional tutors and the advisors from the Teacher Training Centre who are also part of this innovation. This polyhedric perspective helps in gaining inter-judge agreement and the triangulation of data. An evaluative method is followed which relies in two collection techniques: a focus group and student teachers’ reflective diaries. By means of discourse analysis, data reveal that, after participating in this innovative practicum, prospective teachers improve their professional competences, specifically those that have to do with the systematic observation of the classroom, listening to children, emotional self-control, and reflection about their practice.
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Accepted 2021-12-20
Published 2021-12-31
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