Vol. 1 No. 5 (2007)


Transmedial devices, presentation and anti-presentation. Frida Kahlo: transpictoriality-transmediality
Alfonso de Toro
23-65 páginas
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Attempts to construct a material history (of the media) in the second half of the twentieth century
Óscar Cornago, Lorena Verzero
67-92 páginas
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Abel Posse’s The Dogs of Paradise: another approach to the discovery of America
René Ceballos
93-113 páginas
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Impact and effect of Luis Buñuel’s An Andalusian Dog on the poetry of Lorca and Alberti
Rafael Utrera Macías
115-130 páginas
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Transtextuality and audio-visual narrative
Vicente Peña Timón, Vicente Peña Timón
131-147 páginas
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Hypermedia expressions: an efficient communicative relationship between the interface, interactive narrative, emotions and values in entertainment-educational products
Jorge Mora Fernández
149-170 páginas
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Shakespeare buys popcorn. Film adaptations of Macbeth
Inmaculada Gordillo Álvarez
187-204 páginas
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Cathode Macbeth. TV adaptations of the tragedy
Concepción Cascajosa Virino
249-263 páginas
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Macbeth: when literature is transformed into advertising
Gloria Jiménez Marín
275-286 páginas
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An analysis of the institutional advertising of the Spanish state: objectives and discursive features
Manuel Garrido Lora, Marina Ramos Serrano, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Centeno
377-389 páginas
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A snapshot of prime time news on Spanish radio
María del Pilar Martínez-Costa Pérez, Susana Herrera Damas
405-414 páginas
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Is everything propaganda? Propagandism or propagandistic monism as the highest expression of propaganda theory
Antonio Pineda Cachero
415-436 páginas
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Widespread aural intelligibility in broadcast communication
Francisco Javier Torres Simón
437-448 páginas
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Transmediality: the century of our time
Virginia Guarinos Galán
17-22 páginas
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The literary and scenic uniqueness of Macbeth
Rafael Portillo
173-186 páginas
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Macbeth by Orson Welles
Cintia Conde
205-210 páginas
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Macbeth in Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood
Raquel Pérez
211-226 páginas
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Macbeth by W. Shakespeare y by R. Polanski
María José Calderón Cabrera
227-247 páginas
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Macbeth, the scenic word. An overview of Verdi’s opera
Fátima De los Santos Romero
265-274 páginas
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Aesthetics and interculturality: the expression of the tragic soul in the cinema of Pasolini
Javier Fernández Zulueta
363-376 páginas
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Interculturality: moral solidarity and civic literacy
Francesc-Xavier Marín i Torné
391-403 páginas
PDF (Español (España))